Thursday 18 July 2013

Twin Flames- Two Beings One Soul

Twin flames are most often described as two beings who share one soul, two halves of the same whole. If one were to scan the art and literature of the ages, one would see constant reference to twin flames: Romeo and Juliet, Lancelot and Guenevere, Psyche and Eros, etc. To say that twin flames are two halves of the same soul implies that each soul is incomplete. It implies the fallibility of God's creation. This, of course, is impossible. We are whole and always have been. And though this definition is still widely accepted, even in Metaphysical teachings, it stems from a consciousness of duality or separation. 
Relationship is defined as the process by which we ongoingly draw to ourselves ones with whom we engage in order to see-outside of self-some reflection of the many aspects of our authentic and/or inauthentic selves, from which we can continue to grow, learn, and become more exquisite demonstrations of our true God-selves.
Each relationship serves a unique purpose and addresses certain issue(s) in our consciousness which need either refinement, acknowledgment, or some combination thereof. Thus, it is that all relationships are karmic: parental, filial, sibling, marital, platonic, sexual, abusive, romantic, etc. The nature and duration of the relationship are perfectly structured and suited to what needs to be addressed. Even a momentary encounter with a cashier in a store can enlighten a person by way of some reflection upon the self. At the opposite end of the spectrum, the ones whom our souls chose to surround us as our immediate family (parents, siblings, and spouses) have so much to teach us - and we them -that our souls chose a form of relationship that would stay in our energy field for most of our lives.
Each relationship will stay in a person's life until it has finished serving the purpose for which that soul called it forth, inasmuch as all relationship is a healing modality¾to practice and develop being in relationship with God. This is true even if the respective parties cease any conscious, physical contact, as is the case with deaths and divorces. The reason that many individuals in these circumstances feel haunted by the memory of a deceased or estranged love is that the souls are still engaged in their mutually agreed upon service to each other. This karmic interaction and unfoldment can, and most often does, transcend lifetimes. 
Twin flames are two souls whose karmic (healing) and dharmic (service) unfoldment is so perfectly matched that they are able to serve God and each other eternally through that relationship. Not only is twin flameship the highest form of relationship, it also gifts humanity with a vehicle for transcendence and, ultimately, ascension, as twin flames continue shaping and leading each other into Oneness - the very embrace of the Beloved. This weaving, once all karma has been cleansed and transmuted, continues on a purely dharmic level far beyond ascension. At that point, it becomes a matter of purely serving God (though it always was) which progressively expands the consciousness of the two souls. Looking into the spirit realm we find twin flames still serving creation through the woven tapestry of God's loving embrace. Some of these pairings of divine complements include: Lady Venus and Sanat Kumara, Lady Portia and St. Germain, St. Clare and St. Francis, Mother Mary and Archangel Raphael, and on and on.
Because twin flameship acts as a direct portal into the heart of God, the amount of Light that pours through it is like that in no other human-to-human dynamic. It is for this reason that twin flames, once (and if) awakened and ignited to each other, can only sustain a harmonious relationship if they have an extremely high degree of mutual surrender to God's will for them. Twin flameship is not human love; it is Divine Love using two human portals.
It is also very important to point out that twin flameship has nothing to do with romantic and/or sexual involvement, though in many cases it includes and uses both those types of human interaction. The relationship exists at the soul level. What it looks like on the physical plane reflects how God needs to use those two embodiments. It is because the human hand of willful intention muddles and mitigates the grandeur and glory of God's plan unfolding in one's life that twin flame relationships seldom reach their zenith on Earth. How does one, then, know how to attune to the highest and best way to be in relationship with a twin flame - or with anyone for that matter: surrender to God's will. 
Twin flames annihilate each other because they did not understand why they drew themselves to one another and because they ongoingly refused to ask God how God wanted them to care for His relationship which had overlighted them. I have also seen many divine sparks dwindle into ordinary love because both parties tried to claim ownership of that which did not belong to them.
Twin flames pass each other like ships in the night, sometimes recognizing each other, but most times not. Yet even in each other's physical absence, I watch the two souls continuing to source, heal, and guide each other more and more towards God in ways they will never know.  God is your twin flame. Strive to see and find that love in everything and everyone. Treat everyone as your Beloved for, in truth, everyone is. Although human love is a beauteous and wonderful part of life on Earth, romantic and/or sexual partnership is not a prerequisite for attaining God union. To look for anything outside of self only deepens one's separation from God. Only union with God can bring peace, joy, fulfillment, and everlasting love. 

----Stay Blessed----

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