Sunday 29 September 2013

Spirit Release Using Reiki

Just as the living want happiness in life, the dead too want the same! I want to say that spirit release through Reiki is not based on faith, but on intention. There are various reasons why spirits haunt. They may have some unfinished business on earth, or they may want to communicate with someone. Some spirits have guilt and they simply refuse to transit while recently deceased spirits are more mischievous.
Some spirits are attached to a person’s aura. This is called possession, whereas some are just attached to a property or certain part of a property.I am breaking down the process for easier interpretation.

1. Begin by doing some chakra clearing or balancing first. Your chakras need to be wide open for spirit work.

2. Shield all your chakras with whatever Reiki symbols you’re attuned to. And do the same on your palm chakras.

3. Say an invocation to ask Archangels and Ascended Masters to help you. All of them can help you. Pick the ones you are most comfortable with.

4. I had called upon Archangel Michael and Kwan Yin to help me with the release.

5. It is not necessary to know what kind or gender the spirit is. Connect with the distance healing symbol to the spirit and start sending Reiki. The distance healing symbol will act as a scanning device and disclose the location of the spirit. I saw all this through my mind’s eye.

6. Once the spirit was exposed I asked Kwan Yin and Archangel Michael to take it up to light. I kept sending Reiki by not shifting from my place. I actually could see Kwan Yin and Michael talk to the spirits, convince them that it’s ok to belong to the divine light.

7. The whole scene was so clearly visible to me, that I could even understand why the spirits were resisting going up! I saw Kwan Yin drag the female spirit by the hand and fly out of the window. And then Archangel Michael subsequently dragged the male spirit and ascended with him!

8. Continue to send Reiki to clear up any residue or effects left by the spirits. I saw that in ten minutes Michael and Kwan Yin were back in the house. And I sensed that the transition had been successful! They had gone up to light!

9. Kwan Yin and Michael cleansed the entire house with violet, blue and white light in each room. My third eye was cramped with headache. As soon as the cleansing was done, my headache got released!

10. Say a prayer of gratitude for the blessings and healing that you, your client, and the spirit have received. And remember have confidence in your healing ability!

----Stay Blessed----

Thursday 26 September 2013

Creative Use of Reiki Symbols

In Reiki Level 2,we learn 3 major symbols namely Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen,Sei Hei Kei and Cho Ku Rei which forms the crux of Reiki.With level 2, I think a person makes maximum progress, in all aspects of their spiritual journey. Though the symbols are mainly associated with healing, I found some other ways these symbols can be used apart from healing.They are as follows :

HON SHA ZE SHO NEN is the distance symbol of Reiki.There are times when we miss certain people in our lives, or just need a hug from them. If they are not physically present in front of you just take a pillow put the distance symbol on it stating the intention “Connect me to ABC” (can be anyone I am thinking about that time). You can even use the same method when you’re missing your loved ones. Hug the pillow after connecting with HSZSN and sleep. You will get the feeling of actually hugging that person.

SEI HEI KEI is according to me the most under rated symbol is Reiki. People generally don’t find it of a great value as compared to Cho Ku Rei and Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen, but what they tend to forget is that this symbol is the binding symbol between Cho Ku Rei and Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen, and it’s the only symbol with feminine energy. This symbol is very useful for weight loss. Most of the times we tend to gain weight due to emotional problems, and this is the perfect symbol, to help us to get rid of those unwanted emotions and feelings, hence also helping us to get rid of our excess weight. We can write on a paper our intention of weight loss, draw Sei Hei Kei on it and give Reiki to it, I am sure most of you will notice a major difference within a span of few days. Sei Hei Kei helps you to remember things as it balances the right and left brains. So if you have forgotten where you kept your keys keep mumbling “Sei Hei Kei where are my keys.”

CHO KU REI is the most multi faceted symbol as I like to call it, can be used in many aspects.I believe Cho Ku Rei also has shielding properties. Draw on the top three chakras and say Cho Ku Rei (3 times) and “Shield Me.” The coils in Cho Ku Rei sort of engulf you like a snake and give you the protection it needs. It works well on people who are non- stop talkers! Imagine Cho Ku Rei on their mouths like a metal lock and make them shut up! Use Cho Ku Rei on traffic to decrease congestion. Cho Ku Rei can be used on water and food with the intention of cleanliness, purity and weight loss.

----Stay Blessed----

Saturday 21 September 2013

6 Steps to Balancing Chakras Using Reiki

From my childhood in my dreams I use to see big explosions and light swirling out of them like big bang theory. I never knew what all this is about. I was in search of a light, which can prove to be a guide to me and with supreme power’s grace I came across Reiki, the universal life energy force. After few meeting with my Reiki teacher, I developed faith in Reiki and I was got attuned to Reiki. 
Few days back as I was meditating about this, a method of self healing intuitively came to my mind, told to me by my teacher in Reiki course, I am sharing the same with you as Reiki energy has guided me to do so. We can balance the flow (or overflow) of energy by balancing our chakras just in ten minutes.


1. Lie down straight or sit in a comfortable position, you may have some chant as background music if you feel like. Close your eyes.

2. Take three long breaths.

3. Heal your root and brow chakra together for three minutes, you can adopt any method of healing (I prefer placing right hand on root chakra & left on brow chakra and than drawing power symbol, mental symbol and than distance symbol.)

4. Repeat for sacral and throat chakra for three minutes.

5. Then for solar plexus & heart chakra for three minutes.

6. Seal by Cho Ku Ray, any method.

By this method chakras are healed by inter exchanging the excess & depleted energies of chakras. I really enjoy this method of self healing by balancing the chakras.
Try this to get remarkable and wonderful results. We can use this method of healing on others as well.

----Stay Blessed----

Wednesday 18 September 2013

Soul Communication Using Reiki

We know that it is our soul’s choices that make our destiny or divine life path. Between reincarnations we choose and evaluate our next life, the challenges, lessons and gifts. That is to say we choose our parents, spouses and other members of our soul family. Soul families share a similar energy pattern, which is why they take birth with us repeatedly.
How nice it would be to communicate with the souls of our soul family members. Soul communication has the ability to create amazing changes in your life. It has many benefits such as it gives us the courage to know what is to come, to avoid certain people and circumstances and even to get closure from pain in our lives. One can communicate with their own soul, with the soul of a deceased loved one and even with souls who are alive. Soul Communication is known by other names, such as Séance, Spirit channeling and Mediumship. Most of these require if not skills but at least intention.
When it comes to intention, Reiki is the best way to enhance it. I believe in Reiki, the stronger your intention the better your manifestation powers. Let’s first see what benefits can be achieved in all the three kinds of Soul Communication.

When you communicate with your own soul:
  • You can get insights on your current life challenges and problems
  • Your soul mission becomes clear
  • You can prevent attracting bad karma

When you communicate with the soul of a deceased loved one:
  • You can achieve clarity on why they have died
  • You can get closure for the pain their death has caused you
  • You can heal when you get to know your deceased loved one is ok
  • Your loved one can tell you what your life has in store for you

When you communicate with any soul who are living:
  • You can heal many relationship problems you’re currently having
  • You know the right approach to a relationship
  • What you’re not able say face to face can be expressed to the other’s person’s soul
  • Most importantly, you can ask questions as to why is that person behaving in a certain way

Start by doing chakra clearing. Your chakras have to be wide and open for soul communication to happen. Connect with HSZSN to the soul you want to connect with. Keep your mind completely blank. Keep sending Reiki, till you feel the other soul has entered your energy space.
Now, ask what you need to ask or send them any message. Usually, people will either sense or see the soul. It doesn’t matter whether you see or sense the soul, have faith in what you experience and communicate. Note down, everything in a journal because this will enable you to communicate better next time.Give thanks to everyone in the process.

----Stay Blessed----

Sunday 15 September 2013

Creating Connection With Our Higher Self

The first time I had heard about Higher Self I did not understand the concept, but with Reiki, I got a better understanding of it.
Our Higher Self is our Soul consciousness. It has no pretense, judgment and ego. The walking and talking us is just a representation of the Higher Self. The scripts of our lives, which we read when we are in spirit form, but forget when we are born on this earth; is only remembered by our Higher Selves.
As per my experience, Our Higher Self is a more “Beautiful” version of us. Whenever I have connected to my own or someone else’ Higher Self, I have seen that, Our Higher Self is a lighter, bigger and more beautiful than us. They do not have a lower body, usually covered in white and they speak in sign language. My higher self looks like a older version of me! How they look is not important, what is more important is the energy of our higher self.
It is a connection that is constantly there, though we are not aware of it. It knows what are our feelings, thoughts and intention are and how our life is going to be! Being tuned into your higher self will greatly bring you peace and increase your intuition.
Our Higher Self helps us to walk on our chosen life path. It reminds us what we are back on this earth to accomplish. It also connects us to people we are supposed to meet in this journey. Before our re incarnation Our Higher Self requests our Spirit Guides to help us accomplish our goals, missions and learn our life lessons. That’s a lot of work! 
Once we are born, we have a very delicate connection with our higher self. We sometimes see babies crying or laughing on their own, they are just communicating with their higher selves! When we do something incorrect thanks to our free will, our higher self puts on its working cap and edits our life plan, so we continue to walk on our path.
When we say connecting to our Higher Self, what we mean is consciously reconnecting to our higher self. The information by Higher self can also be shown to us (clairvoyance).


Connecting to Our Higher Self:

Use HSZSN to connect to your higher self. Talk to them; ask them any questions that you really want some insight about. The answers you will get from them are subtle, simple and wiser. Our Higher self may even warn us about situations. Connecting to ones Higher Self takes practice and we need to achieve a high state of consciousness. I have also personally noticed that, when we give Reiki to the Higher Self of the person we are healing, not only do they heal faster; there are also other positive changes in their life. Meditating by putting on some music and giving Reiki to our Higher Self can bring clarity in our lives.
Our Higher Self is “THE GUIDE” of our life. It is even closer than our soul connections and our Spirit Guides. Being in sync with our Higher Self means we can be prepared for the best and the worst in life, and not ask the question “WHY ME?”.

----Stay Blessed----

Friday 13 September 2013

10 Keys to Creating Positive Results with Reiki

It is common for people who know nothing of this healing modality to ask what results they may find by having a session. Talk to any active Reiki practitioner and you will find many ways in which “results” are manifested through their work. Stories of healing abound with each of them because of their own health experiences as well as their clients.
Yet when we’re just beginning (and even a bit of time into) our practice, there are many questions in our own minds as well, especially if we’ve never done a “hands on” healing modality before learning Reiki. “How do I know this is working?” is what we may ask ourselves. Our novice hands and inability to imagine the potential often cause us to doubt how Reiki energy will develop into tangible results for ourselves and others.
Thankfully, universal life force energy has a mind of its own! Truthfully, success with Reiki is similar to many other types of endeavors. If we put significant effort into the project, common sense will tell us results should follow. Being a scratch golfer takes more than three plays on the course. Playing an instrument takes years; art forms of all kinds require an investment of time as well as money, much like starting a new business.
Below is a compilation of thoughts accumulated from many conversations and experiences. No doubt you will find another point or two to add because it’s been effective for you, and I invite conversation to expand the list based on your experiences too.

1. Be an enthusiastic student.

Acquire the best possible training you can from active practicing Master Teachers. Be inquisitive, curious and willing to do things just as they say; after you have been active for a while will be soon enough to mold what you learn into your own style. Give yourself time to grow into your new role.


2. Allow yourself to be coach-able.

Find a mentor you admire and who has shown themselves to be a remarkable teacher in some area of Reiki expertise. You may even desire a team of coaches, inviting them based on their particular gifts. Establish a continual line of communication with them and always be willing to ask how to improve not only your work but your outlook.


3. Practice Reiki on yourself – daily!

This sounds obvious, and yet I’ve heard many say they have difficulty “making time” for it. As with any skill, you’re only as good as that which you do frequently. If you get out of practice, it will come back to you, surely. Just remember – if you’re working on others, you want to be able to say (with confidence) that you know what you are doing. When you’re experiencing results on yourself on a regular basis, it will be easy to tell someone else how Reiki results may manifest for them.


4. Create structure for your practice.

The reason behind structure is to help yourself stay on task. Whether you prefer a certain time of the day, want to always utilize the Reiki hand placements or symbols, or have your Reiki room arranged in a certain configuration – these are all valid structure you can organize to keep you focused. It’s quite easy to get out of sync when the busyness of life takes over. So create your own protocol and follow it. Allow yourself flexibility to change your process as your clients require it, your expertise grows and life and work styles change.


5. Preparation counts.

Whether you are working on yourself, with a hands-on client or doing a distance session – be aware of your schedule. Give yourself 15-30 minutes or more before the session to become calm and centered. Know which music is most beneficial for the upcoming session. If you use crystals or oils with Reiki, have them ready. If you’ve had a challenging day, use a clearing method that will take away the residual energy of others/situations. Get into a space of high spiritual connection that allows you to receive the universal life force energy for the best and highest good of each recipient.


6. Go with the flow – literally.

All energy work manifests based on individual experiences; responses vary. When you work on others, remember that the structure you use is not as important as being open to the needs of the person whose energy is in your hands. With Reiki, you can do no harm, so experiment. Use/practice any new hand movements you may have read about based on the client’s energy manifestation. Be open to all the sensations. Be mindful of what occurs, and if it’s a new experience, make a mental note to yourself if you need to talk through it with your mentor later.


7. Let Reiki complement all other therapies.

It has often been said that “many therapies working together” allows for greater benefit to a person. Reiki truly is a modality that harmonizes with just about any other form of ‘treatment’, allopathic or wholistic. Therefore, be discerning of a person’s needs; use your Reiki skills in combination with other energy modalities to serve the best and highest good of your client, with their permission of course.


8. Listen and observe.

Whether you’re working with a Master, teaching a student or a communicating with a client, your learning will be elevated further by using all of your senses. Yet hearing, sight and even smell seem the most important to me. It is through those three (when someone shares with you things that only a mind-reader might discern) that you will then be able to further sense beyond the conscious into the heart of your own and others spiritual needs. The energy in your hands may feel elevated, more palpable, because conscious thoughts shared through the power of the Word have heightened your awareness even more.


9. Continue your education.

This point cannot be stressed strongly enough. Reiki is a continuous-learning modality. Not one session will pass where you haven’t learned or felt something new. You have everything to gain by reading, taking courses, engaging other practitioners, participating in Reiki Shares, etc. The more you educate yourself, the greater the benefit of the practice, and the better results your clients will sense from your work.


10. Recognize yourself as capable.

Accept all things as possible, learn from others, and be willing and flexible to any subtle shift in the energy field – it may be changes in the environment, a physical response to your work, or a connection with the divine. Whatever the experience, know that you have the ability and the strength of character to do that which is good and right and necessary. You are an amazing person, beaming Light for all to see. Results are a natural response to the work you are manifesting.

----Stay Blessed----

Wednesday 11 September 2013

Healing Limiting Beliefs With Reiki

As we grow up, we take on the beliefs of our parents, our culture, our religious teachers and our government and so on. Everything around us implants new ideas about how we are meant to think, feel and act. This is called socializing and it is needed to a certain degree in order for us to know how to function among those around us. We learn what is needed to remain safe.
Some of these beliefs are very functional in our immediate family or our local community. They can serve us very well. However, there are many beliefs that we learn that worked very well for our parents that don’t serve us very well in the world today. Other things we learn may have served an important function in our lives while we were younger but no longer fit the person or life we have developed for ourselves. The world continues to change and grow and so do we.
When we subconsciously hold onto a belief that doesn’t fit us, we become energetically stuck. At a deep level, our true being experiences the conflict between where we are in life and the beliefs we hold. Energy cannot flow unrestricted in a pathway held tight from conflict. We feel bad emotionally, mentally, spiritually and ultimately we will feel pain or sickness in our physical body.
It is important to remember that we are energetic beings. Every level of our energy system holds information for us about what we have experienced and how it has impacted us—negatively or positively. The spirit or soul is the level that remembers why we are here in physical form and guides us to the things that are for our greatest good and away from things that are leading away from it. Even things that lead us away from our highest good can be redirected to serve our highest good as we are never damaged permanently at the soul level.
When we use Reiki to heal ourselves or others, we are bringing the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual levels into more balanced alignment with each other. The Reiki flows through the energy pathways in the body helping to open up any restrictions, congestion and blockages in the energetic systems. One of the things Reiki can assist with in this process is releasing beliefs and thoughts that are causing a conflict with our lives and easing the restriction these beliefs have created. New ways of understanding the world can then come online to help us function in a way that is healthier for us.
If you want to use Reiki to help yourself release stale and limiting beliefs,the symbols can assist you in this. They are able to help you work more deeply on a mental and emotional level and also allow you to work without the limits of time and space to heal the past. It can also help to have a list of the beliefs you want to release.
Before you make your list of limiting beliefs, send Reiki to the process with the intent that you uncover the beliefs that are most restricting your self-healing right now. As you make the list, notice that certain beliefs trigger more emotion than others do. Make a special note by those that create emotional reactions. These are the ones that you need the most assistance in healing. Choosing to give yourself a Reiki treatment with the specific intent to release these beliefs can be very helpful in letting it go and healing.
Before you begin you self-treatment, set the specific intention that you release beliefs that do not serve you. Draw the Power symbol on both hands and over your head. Use the Mental and Emotional Healing symbol over your head. Then use the Distant symbol in order to heal anything form the past in connection with these beliefs. Repeat the Power symbol after this. Then begin your self-Reiki session. As you treat yourself, notice any feelings or thoughts that arise. Do not judge yourself for anything that comes up. Be very compassionate and gentle. Allow yourself to relax and let the Reiki flow through your energetic system, healing and repairing.
After doing this, you will begin to notice that your thoughts and feelings are changing. This process can feel uncomfortable at first. Remember that these old beliefs are all linked together and as one releases, others will need to alter to accommodate the process. Pay attention to the emotions this brings up as the healing continues after treatment. Remind yourself that you don’t need to change anything you don’t want to. Soon you will notice that you are feeling more in tune with yourself and making decisions that fit more with who you truly are.

----Stay Blessed----

Monday 9 September 2013

Pyramid Shield against Psychic Vampires

A Psychic Vampire is a person who feeds on life forces of others. They do not have any energy of their own and their main victims are animals and children.I am breaking down the steps for everyone’s benefit.

1. Sit in a comfortable position where no one will disturb you for at least 5 to 10 minutes.

2. State the Intention “I am going to Shield myself with the purple pyramid, to protect myself from all negative energies” thrice.

3. Visualize a triple layer purple pyramid around yourself, and white light falling on you from all directions, inside the pyramid.

4. Activate the distance healing symbol HSZSN; state the intention to remove all the negative energy surrounding you. You might actually see the negative energy being removed.

5. Now visualize all the other symbols, surrounding the pyramid, if you are a third degree practitioner you can also use the Master symbol with all the other symbols.

6. Now you draw a reverse CHK to close the pyramid or just make an action of pulling up a zip, to close the pyramid.

Then State
“This Shield is on for 3 days” X 3
“Only Positive Energy can enter this shield” X 3
“No Negative Energy can enter this shield” X 3

This completes the pyramid shield.

----Stay Blessed----

Saturday 7 September 2013

Universal Programming With Reiki

Reiki correlates with Einstein’s theory of ‘Relativity to Time and Space.’ We have often heard people say that Reiki can make things happen faster or slower! In my opinion, time and space are relative concepts, they are not solidly defined. It is our perception that gives time its length and space its vastness.
Confused about the above theory? Reiki is Universal energy; it is intelligent and gives us guidance about things. But it belongs to the Universe. Have you actually tried to just communicate directly with the Universe which is the source of Reiki? I believe the Universe always communicates with us. We may or may not notice the signs always.
So, to experience this wonderful two way communication, we need to learn Programming. Connect to the Universe with HSZSN and simply intend “Dear Universe please make me aware of all your messages coming to me” state the intention 3 times. And see the wonders of your heightened sensitivity! I do this everyday! It is so wonderful to know what will happen, it gives me a positive feeling that something good is about to happen.
When you get the same message twice pay attention! It is telling you something about your past, present and future. This is also good for asking questions that need clarity urgently. If you are in doubt of which job you ought to pursue or if your pet will heal from such and such disease or even if your girl friend is cheating on you, ask the universe.
Connect to the Universe with HSZSN and ask “Dear Universe I wish to know if ABC job is good for me. If your answer is yes, please show me a sign (a red rose or wooden box) in the next 24 hours.” Repeat the entire programme 3 times. If the job is good for you, you will see a red rose or wooden box or whatever sign you have picked in 24 hours. Might be a good idea to refresh it within the 24 hours. Keep repeating the intention every few hours. Of course keep the timeline in mind. Don’t keep saying 24 hrs when 16 hrs have passed!
Your sign will come to you when you least expect it, when you have completely forgotten about your programme, you will suddenly be hit by your sign and then you will say “Oh that’s my sign!”

----Stay Blessed----