Thursday 26 September 2013

Creative Use of Reiki Symbols

In Reiki Level 2,we learn 3 major symbols namely Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen,Sei Hei Kei and Cho Ku Rei which forms the crux of Reiki.With level 2, I think a person makes maximum progress, in all aspects of their spiritual journey. Though the symbols are mainly associated with healing, I found some other ways these symbols can be used apart from healing.They are as follows :

HON SHA ZE SHO NEN is the distance symbol of Reiki.There are times when we miss certain people in our lives, or just need a hug from them. If they are not physically present in front of you just take a pillow put the distance symbol on it stating the intention “Connect me to ABC” (can be anyone I am thinking about that time). You can even use the same method when you’re missing your loved ones. Hug the pillow after connecting with HSZSN and sleep. You will get the feeling of actually hugging that person.

SEI HEI KEI is according to me the most under rated symbol is Reiki. People generally don’t find it of a great value as compared to Cho Ku Rei and Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen, but what they tend to forget is that this symbol is the binding symbol between Cho Ku Rei and Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen, and it’s the only symbol with feminine energy. This symbol is very useful for weight loss. Most of the times we tend to gain weight due to emotional problems, and this is the perfect symbol, to help us to get rid of those unwanted emotions and feelings, hence also helping us to get rid of our excess weight. We can write on a paper our intention of weight loss, draw Sei Hei Kei on it and give Reiki to it, I am sure most of you will notice a major difference within a span of few days. Sei Hei Kei helps you to remember things as it balances the right and left brains. So if you have forgotten where you kept your keys keep mumbling “Sei Hei Kei where are my keys.”

CHO KU REI is the most multi faceted symbol as I like to call it, can be used in many aspects.I believe Cho Ku Rei also has shielding properties. Draw on the top three chakras and say Cho Ku Rei (3 times) and “Shield Me.” The coils in Cho Ku Rei sort of engulf you like a snake and give you the protection it needs. It works well on people who are non- stop talkers! Imagine Cho Ku Rei on their mouths like a metal lock and make them shut up! Use Cho Ku Rei on traffic to decrease congestion. Cho Ku Rei can be used on water and food with the intention of cleanliness, purity and weight loss.

----Stay Blessed----

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