Wednesday 25 December 2013

Reiki And Soul Living

What brings us to Reiki may be just a seed to what actually is going to unfold in our lives.Reiki is the idea or intention of harmonising the body and mind connection or to learn something good of ourselves and others. Rarely is it for a radical life shift of its own.Our mind is tricky and does not like to work out unexpected results at least in healing matters.Hardly anyone would argue that healing does not occur instantly and that the most useful ingredients for healing are mindfulness, intention, acceptance, and balance. These dispositions translate into connection with inner self which in turns brings greater awareness on needs, emotions and self confidence. What is interesting in these threads of connections is the fact that often these may remain lip service or better mind-service to the ego-self. In other words we create good intentions for ourselves which rarely translate into action. Within Reiki there is a pure consciousness of energy resonance that is at play. It is hardly known from the beginning of a healing journey which result will manifest. While the rational and logical mind will ponder about the “what to do” the intuitive mind will search for answers on the “how to do it”. This is mostly a hyper-contemporary way of living: being in the doing, rather than being simply in the “being-ness”. The human bio-energy system has its own intelligence and it seems that by operating exclusively from the left-side, from a logical perspective we have neglected the journeying of the inner self, relegating the pondering of the mind to a world of phantasmagorical dimensions aka as illusions. The intelligence of the bio-energy is a system of its own, it knows its requirements and even has its alert signals, it accumulates energy, and information distills them and eliminates what is not useful. The rational mind seems to want to operate on its own as well the kind of ‘I know’ statement that says it all about crushing down the intuitive mind. Actually the moment we stop considering life as a separate matter from our intentions, wishes, desires, and even strengths and weakness, everything falls into place and a strategic plan becomes a healing journey as well as a healing journey unfolds our inner strategic bio-energy system focused on survival. Reiki is a harmonizing healing journey, it will test emotions and needs as well as the mind and the need to control and will unfold as appropriately as it can the highest best outcome. From this seed of healing comes to life greater awareness, greater connection between intentions and manifestations, hence greater harmony and balance. So what is happening with the strategic plan? We found that the best way to live both a strategy and healing journey is to let go, to trust the inner-self and mostly to explore each and every one of our inner walls and shatter down limiting beliefs that can hold us back. Opening ourselves to unlimited pure energy consciousness to unfold its magic into our lives. Yes it is possible to tap into the unlimited universal abundance and draw a magnificent plan for our lives. For that to happen we also need to have a conversation with our Soul, check it out, honestly and authentically listen well to the seeds of creativity that lay within that conversation. Once reconnected with our Soul, it is possible to unfold a plan for our lives that is both strategic and healing, living then in a realm of connection between healing, wishes, capacities, intentions, and having a good influence and positive footprint on this aging planet which is longing for greater respire. Living life as whole as soul is a plan and is a healing journey which eventually will bring some much light into our lives we won’t have time to complain rather only to unfold even greater connection with our healing journey. Everything is healing, we are here to heal ourselves and in healing ourselves, so we heal others! The butterfly effect is important in healing and in connection of consciousness. It brings one little effect to ripple down and touch others with lightness and humbleness.Then the ripples of humbleness with transform into integrity and our lives shines with authenticity. Reiki is a great gift in our lives. It is soft, gentle and of great wisdom, it will show us exactly what needs to come next for us to complete our healing journey. Add some karmic bonus at your life’s credits by simply living with integrity and extend the loving-kindness of healing into all your undertakings.

----Stay Blessed----

Sunday 15 December 2013

Reiki and Seasonal Affective Disorder

Many people suffer from an increase in depression and pain during the winter months. This is often referred to as Seasonal Affective Disorder. While most people slow down a bit in the winter, and many experience some mild feelings of sadness, especially during the Holidays, some people have a full depression, with anxiety levels high and energy levels low. Others with Seasonal Affective Disorder experience symptoms with the onset of summer. They become high anxious and easily agitated and suffer from insomnia.
Many of the issues with Seasonal Affective Disorder have to do with the body becoming unbalanced as exposure to the sun decreases. Light therapy can often help by increasing the exposure to UV light, thus helping to regulate the hormonal changes in the body. However, some people need more than this. For many, anti-depressants are needed to allow them to cope until spring.
Winter can be a very high stress time of the year for most people. The Holiday season brings many additional activities and requires much more to be done. There is extra shopping in crowded stores, more cooking for larger groups of people and parties and family functions to attend. This extra stress can cause a great deal of anxiety and lead to depression, particularly for those who are sensitive to being around crowds.
Taking frequent breaks to slow ourselves down a bit can help a great deal in getting through any stressful situation. We also need to take a little time each day outdoors, even in the winter. Fresh air and sunshine are vital to good health and with the shorter hours of daylight in the winter, it can be a challenge to get enough sun.
Reiki is known to help reduce pain, alleviate anxiety and calm depression symptoms. It reduces our feelings of stress. It produces a deep feeling of calm. While I could not locate any studies specifically about Reiki and Seasonal Affective Disorder, I have written before about Reiki and studies on its effect on mental health. All of the studies on Reiki and mental health showed a reduction of symptoms following Reiki treatment. This applied to depression, anxiety and insomnia.
Even for those without a disorder, having a few Reiki treatments during the winter months may help reduce the typical sluggishness felt in the winter. It may also help prevent the increase in infections form cold and flu viruses. Reiki has been shown in studies to improve the immune function responses in the blood. It creates balance precisely where needed, thus reducing the likelihood that exposure to a virus will lead to infection.
Even if there were no scientific studies showing the effectiveness of Reiki in increasing the immune system function, or improving pain and depression, we know it feels blissful. It is so very calming. Stress seems to vanish during and immediately after a Reiki treatment. The relaxed state can often lead to more beneficial ways of dealing with life to come to mind. This increases even more after Reiki attunement.
Offering Reiki to others during the winter months is a great way to help them cope with the issues that many struggle with during this time. A session may be just what they need to uplift their spirits and allow them to enjoy life this winter.

----Stay Blessed----

Tuesday 10 December 2013

Reiki And Gratitude

When asking the universe for anything we should first take a moment to begin from a point of gratitude; before we ask for more we should first say thank you for what we already have. Even if we feel we have little or nothing to be thankful for, the very act of asking shows a belief in a higher power that has the ability to give what we ask for; the capacity to communicate with that power, and the need or desire for change our life.
Even if you feel destitute, you have these three things to build upon and you should then begin from a point of gratitude. Gratitude is the key to receiving more, but before we can receive more we must first appreciate what we have, if we dont more will never are enough. When we pray and ask for something, it is usually in response to a situation we find ourselves in; our prayers are usually “time specific” and not development orientated. If we were to look at our lives as a film, our prayers are usually focussed to one incident in one frame and not in context with the story of the film from start to finish. What we ask for today, may not be in our best interest tomorrow.
When we ask for anything, we automatically set limitations for we have already determined what we want and what it should look like when we get it, for whatever we ask for has form and structure which are boundaries in themselves. Since we can’t see further than the moment we live in our horizons are set by time instead of distance, and this can limit our perception, reality, and what we think we need (desire) in the here and now. Our lives (if you believe in reincarnation) are a continuum and our prayers are answered in response to our development and not in response to our specific request, what we ask for today may not be healthy or appropriate to our spiritual needs.
Seeing the future is not the same as living it, the future is no more than a set of possibilities waiting to be defined into our reality. The here and now are the seeds of the future and we are creators in that process. In making the moment we write history and lay the foundations to our future, our thoughts and beliefs draw up the plans and our actions give definition to the time and place when the present becomes the future. Once we begin to live in the moment, we can begin to see the past, present, and future more clearly, for we realise they are one and the same.
Until we reach this point of spiritual evolution, we need support and guidance to ensure our continued development. Until we realise the connection between our thoughts and our future and begin to understand that our life is a projection of our mind we need to ask for help and guidance. That help and guidance is always available, but it can only be given if we ask for it but it will still only be given in a way that strengthens us, and awakes us to our own greatness.
All journeys begin from a point of departure, all knowledge from a point of understanding, and all prayer from a point of gratitude.

----Stay Blessed----

Monday 2 December 2013

Connecting With Archangles Through Angelic Prayers

My experience with Angels began when I had completed my second degree Reiki. I was taught in class how to connect with God using the distance healing symbol. I started connecting to various Gods and Goddesses using HSZSN and tried to channel their was an experience, that was leading me into deeper levels of trance and deeper connections with all dimensions in the Universe. I then started frequently connecting with Ascended Masters like Kwan Yin, St. Germain, Jesus etc. There is no specific technique to call the Angels. Of course, through Reiki we can always connect to anyone in the higher realms. But I started connecting to the Angels one on one without Reiki.
The best way to do this is through Angelic prayers. I am sharing some prayers with you for your daily trials and tribulations! I have done them at various situations and found some relief and movement in my plans. You need to do the prayers at least twice a day and read them out aloud. If you wish you can light a candle.

Archangel Raphael Healing Prayer
“Sweet Raphael, I call on you,
I know that you are there
and ask you for your healing strength
in answer to my prayer
Please take away the sadness
take away the pain
hold me in your healing wings
and make me whole again.”

Archangel Chamuel Soul mate Prayer
“Archangel Chamuel I ask that you now show
me the path to true love and happiness
with my earthly soul mate who I will be
united with in this lifetime.
Thank you for being there.”

Archangel Jophiel space clearing prayer
“Archangel Jophiel, I ask for your help and
encouragement to give me the motivation to
clear my life and home of all unnecessary
emotional and physical clutter.
Thank you for being there.”

Archangel Michael prayer for strength
“Archangel Michael, please bless me with the courage
And strength necessary to come through all the
Challenges I am facing at this time.
Thank you for being there.”

Archangel Raziel prayer for Intuition
“Archangel Raziel, please bless me with the ability
To receive and understand all the spiritual messages
and angelic guidance that is being sent to me.
Thank you for being there.”

Archangel Sandalphon for Divine assistance
“Archangel Sandalphon, I ask that you carry all my prayers
Heavenward for me, so that they are heard and answered.
Thank you for being there.”

Archangel Zadkiel Forgiveness prayer
“Archangel Zadkiel, Please help me to find a way to
forgive those who have hurt me in the past,
in order that I may move forward
with a greater peace of mind.
Thank you for being there.”

Archangel Gabriel prayers for Fears
“Archangel Gabriel, please bless me
With the confidence and ability
To overcome my nerves when
Facing challenges or daunting situations
Thank you for being there.”

Invite, all the Angels in your home, life and relationships and see your path smoothen.

----Stay Blessed----