Wednesday 25 December 2013

Reiki And Soul Living

What brings us to Reiki may be just a seed to what actually is going to unfold in our lives.Reiki is the idea or intention of harmonising the body and mind connection or to learn something good of ourselves and others. Rarely is it for a radical life shift of its own.Our mind is tricky and does not like to work out unexpected results at least in healing matters.Hardly anyone would argue that healing does not occur instantly and that the most useful ingredients for healing are mindfulness, intention, acceptance, and balance. These dispositions translate into connection with inner self which in turns brings greater awareness on needs, emotions and self confidence. What is interesting in these threads of connections is the fact that often these may remain lip service or better mind-service to the ego-self. In other words we create good intentions for ourselves which rarely translate into action. Within Reiki there is a pure consciousness of energy resonance that is at play. It is hardly known from the beginning of a healing journey which result will manifest. While the rational and logical mind will ponder about the “what to do” the intuitive mind will search for answers on the “how to do it”. This is mostly a hyper-contemporary way of living: being in the doing, rather than being simply in the “being-ness”. The human bio-energy system has its own intelligence and it seems that by operating exclusively from the left-side, from a logical perspective we have neglected the journeying of the inner self, relegating the pondering of the mind to a world of phantasmagorical dimensions aka as illusions. The intelligence of the bio-energy is a system of its own, it knows its requirements and even has its alert signals, it accumulates energy, and information distills them and eliminates what is not useful. The rational mind seems to want to operate on its own as well the kind of ‘I know’ statement that says it all about crushing down the intuitive mind. Actually the moment we stop considering life as a separate matter from our intentions, wishes, desires, and even strengths and weakness, everything falls into place and a strategic plan becomes a healing journey as well as a healing journey unfolds our inner strategic bio-energy system focused on survival. Reiki is a harmonizing healing journey, it will test emotions and needs as well as the mind and the need to control and will unfold as appropriately as it can the highest best outcome. From this seed of healing comes to life greater awareness, greater connection between intentions and manifestations, hence greater harmony and balance. So what is happening with the strategic plan? We found that the best way to live both a strategy and healing journey is to let go, to trust the inner-self and mostly to explore each and every one of our inner walls and shatter down limiting beliefs that can hold us back. Opening ourselves to unlimited pure energy consciousness to unfold its magic into our lives. Yes it is possible to tap into the unlimited universal abundance and draw a magnificent plan for our lives. For that to happen we also need to have a conversation with our Soul, check it out, honestly and authentically listen well to the seeds of creativity that lay within that conversation. Once reconnected with our Soul, it is possible to unfold a plan for our lives that is both strategic and healing, living then in a realm of connection between healing, wishes, capacities, intentions, and having a good influence and positive footprint on this aging planet which is longing for greater respire. Living life as whole as soul is a plan and is a healing journey which eventually will bring some much light into our lives we won’t have time to complain rather only to unfold even greater connection with our healing journey. Everything is healing, we are here to heal ourselves and in healing ourselves, so we heal others! The butterfly effect is important in healing and in connection of consciousness. It brings one little effect to ripple down and touch others with lightness and humbleness.Then the ripples of humbleness with transform into integrity and our lives shines with authenticity. Reiki is a great gift in our lives. It is soft, gentle and of great wisdom, it will show us exactly what needs to come next for us to complete our healing journey. Add some karmic bonus at your life’s credits by simply living with integrity and extend the loving-kindness of healing into all your undertakings.

----Stay Blessed----

Sunday 15 December 2013

Reiki and Seasonal Affective Disorder

Many people suffer from an increase in depression and pain during the winter months. This is often referred to as Seasonal Affective Disorder. While most people slow down a bit in the winter, and many experience some mild feelings of sadness, especially during the Holidays, some people have a full depression, with anxiety levels high and energy levels low. Others with Seasonal Affective Disorder experience symptoms with the onset of summer. They become high anxious and easily agitated and suffer from insomnia.
Many of the issues with Seasonal Affective Disorder have to do with the body becoming unbalanced as exposure to the sun decreases. Light therapy can often help by increasing the exposure to UV light, thus helping to regulate the hormonal changes in the body. However, some people need more than this. For many, anti-depressants are needed to allow them to cope until spring.
Winter can be a very high stress time of the year for most people. The Holiday season brings many additional activities and requires much more to be done. There is extra shopping in crowded stores, more cooking for larger groups of people and parties and family functions to attend. This extra stress can cause a great deal of anxiety and lead to depression, particularly for those who are sensitive to being around crowds.
Taking frequent breaks to slow ourselves down a bit can help a great deal in getting through any stressful situation. We also need to take a little time each day outdoors, even in the winter. Fresh air and sunshine are vital to good health and with the shorter hours of daylight in the winter, it can be a challenge to get enough sun.
Reiki is known to help reduce pain, alleviate anxiety and calm depression symptoms. It reduces our feelings of stress. It produces a deep feeling of calm. While I could not locate any studies specifically about Reiki and Seasonal Affective Disorder, I have written before about Reiki and studies on its effect on mental health. All of the studies on Reiki and mental health showed a reduction of symptoms following Reiki treatment. This applied to depression, anxiety and insomnia.
Even for those without a disorder, having a few Reiki treatments during the winter months may help reduce the typical sluggishness felt in the winter. It may also help prevent the increase in infections form cold and flu viruses. Reiki has been shown in studies to improve the immune function responses in the blood. It creates balance precisely where needed, thus reducing the likelihood that exposure to a virus will lead to infection.
Even if there were no scientific studies showing the effectiveness of Reiki in increasing the immune system function, or improving pain and depression, we know it feels blissful. It is so very calming. Stress seems to vanish during and immediately after a Reiki treatment. The relaxed state can often lead to more beneficial ways of dealing with life to come to mind. This increases even more after Reiki attunement.
Offering Reiki to others during the winter months is a great way to help them cope with the issues that many struggle with during this time. A session may be just what they need to uplift their spirits and allow them to enjoy life this winter.

----Stay Blessed----

Tuesday 10 December 2013

Reiki And Gratitude

When asking the universe for anything we should first take a moment to begin from a point of gratitude; before we ask for more we should first say thank you for what we already have. Even if we feel we have little or nothing to be thankful for, the very act of asking shows a belief in a higher power that has the ability to give what we ask for; the capacity to communicate with that power, and the need or desire for change our life.
Even if you feel destitute, you have these three things to build upon and you should then begin from a point of gratitude. Gratitude is the key to receiving more, but before we can receive more we must first appreciate what we have, if we dont more will never are enough. When we pray and ask for something, it is usually in response to a situation we find ourselves in; our prayers are usually “time specific” and not development orientated. If we were to look at our lives as a film, our prayers are usually focussed to one incident in one frame and not in context with the story of the film from start to finish. What we ask for today, may not be in our best interest tomorrow.
When we ask for anything, we automatically set limitations for we have already determined what we want and what it should look like when we get it, for whatever we ask for has form and structure which are boundaries in themselves. Since we can’t see further than the moment we live in our horizons are set by time instead of distance, and this can limit our perception, reality, and what we think we need (desire) in the here and now. Our lives (if you believe in reincarnation) are a continuum and our prayers are answered in response to our development and not in response to our specific request, what we ask for today may not be healthy or appropriate to our spiritual needs.
Seeing the future is not the same as living it, the future is no more than a set of possibilities waiting to be defined into our reality. The here and now are the seeds of the future and we are creators in that process. In making the moment we write history and lay the foundations to our future, our thoughts and beliefs draw up the plans and our actions give definition to the time and place when the present becomes the future. Once we begin to live in the moment, we can begin to see the past, present, and future more clearly, for we realise they are one and the same.
Until we reach this point of spiritual evolution, we need support and guidance to ensure our continued development. Until we realise the connection between our thoughts and our future and begin to understand that our life is a projection of our mind we need to ask for help and guidance. That help and guidance is always available, but it can only be given if we ask for it but it will still only be given in a way that strengthens us, and awakes us to our own greatness.
All journeys begin from a point of departure, all knowledge from a point of understanding, and all prayer from a point of gratitude.

----Stay Blessed----

Monday 2 December 2013

Connecting With Archangles Through Angelic Prayers

My experience with Angels began when I had completed my second degree Reiki. I was taught in class how to connect with God using the distance healing symbol. I started connecting to various Gods and Goddesses using HSZSN and tried to channel their was an experience, that was leading me into deeper levels of trance and deeper connections with all dimensions in the Universe. I then started frequently connecting with Ascended Masters like Kwan Yin, St. Germain, Jesus etc. There is no specific technique to call the Angels. Of course, through Reiki we can always connect to anyone in the higher realms. But I started connecting to the Angels one on one without Reiki.
The best way to do this is through Angelic prayers. I am sharing some prayers with you for your daily trials and tribulations! I have done them at various situations and found some relief and movement in my plans. You need to do the prayers at least twice a day and read them out aloud. If you wish you can light a candle.

Archangel Raphael Healing Prayer
“Sweet Raphael, I call on you,
I know that you are there
and ask you for your healing strength
in answer to my prayer
Please take away the sadness
take away the pain
hold me in your healing wings
and make me whole again.”

Archangel Chamuel Soul mate Prayer
“Archangel Chamuel I ask that you now show
me the path to true love and happiness
with my earthly soul mate who I will be
united with in this lifetime.
Thank you for being there.”

Archangel Jophiel space clearing prayer
“Archangel Jophiel, I ask for your help and
encouragement to give me the motivation to
clear my life and home of all unnecessary
emotional and physical clutter.
Thank you for being there.”

Archangel Michael prayer for strength
“Archangel Michael, please bless me with the courage
And strength necessary to come through all the
Challenges I am facing at this time.
Thank you for being there.”

Archangel Raziel prayer for Intuition
“Archangel Raziel, please bless me with the ability
To receive and understand all the spiritual messages
and angelic guidance that is being sent to me.
Thank you for being there.”

Archangel Sandalphon for Divine assistance
“Archangel Sandalphon, I ask that you carry all my prayers
Heavenward for me, so that they are heard and answered.
Thank you for being there.”

Archangel Zadkiel Forgiveness prayer
“Archangel Zadkiel, Please help me to find a way to
forgive those who have hurt me in the past,
in order that I may move forward
with a greater peace of mind.
Thank you for being there.”

Archangel Gabriel prayers for Fears
“Archangel Gabriel, please bless me
With the confidence and ability
To overcome my nerves when
Facing challenges or daunting situations
Thank you for being there.”

Invite, all the Angels in your home, life and relationships and see your path smoothen.

----Stay Blessed----

Saturday 30 November 2013

Reiki & Breathing

While our minds are busy pondering, analysing, criticising, searching, consulting, and concluding, we tend to forget which force eventually keeps us, alive and kicking with our feet on Earth. To keep our cellular body in good functioning order we need to look at how we engage our bio-energy system. At the physiological level, the human bio-energy system comprises of two primary sub-systems: the voluntary system controlling movements and sensations and the autonomic or involuntary system, controlling digestion, blood pressure and heart rate. The autonomic system comprises of two branches known as the sympathetic and the para-sympathetic. The sympathetic defends the body against attacks, it keeps feeding the system with blood, activates the thyroid and adrenal glands and provides energy for action by catabolic intervention. On the other hand the anabolic intervention of the para-sympathetic is in charge of reducing the activity of the brain and the muscles, and deals with healing, regeneration, triggers parathyroid hormones, activates digestions and elimination and has a the main quality of installing calmness, contentment and relaxations brining the body to rest, sleep, meditate, relax and feeling loved. Only one system can be active at a time and to keep the energy flow effective yet not stressing, active yet not over-active, involved and well functioning yet not over depleting, it is essential to recharge the body’s magnetic field and breath correctly!
Breathing is essential to life and to maintain a healthy bio-energy system. Through correct breathing it is possible to keep our bio-energy system away from damaging and even harmful effect of the constant and over-abundant electro-pollution. This type of pollution might be invisible to the eye yet it is translated into electro-information the sympathetic system will feed itself with giving the bio-energy system a command for even more reaction. Correct breathing instead connects with the para-sympathetic and operates as a gauge to signal it is time to relax, for real. Does it occur to you to stand in the middle of a busy sidewalk and look around at people and see how busy they are to over-activate their sympathetic system by playing with their phones, games, tablets, iPad and other electronic devices? It is possible to live with evolution of telecommunications and still keep a healthy bio-energy system, a good dose of healthy energy, strength and glow. In a recent article we explored a bit the connection between the healing power of Yoga and Reiki. Here we will explore the bit the world of breathing techniques and how with the use of Reiki techniques such as self-treatment meditation and symbols meditation it is possible to strengthen our inner bio-energy system or “prana” and an outer magnetic shield around us.
The word commonly used in Yoga and meditation to refer to “life force” is “Praṇayama”. Praṇayama is a Sanskrit word meaning “extension of the praṇa” where “prana” stands for breath” or “extension of the life force”. The word is composed of two Sanskrit words,"Prana" life force, or vital energy, breath, and “ayama”, to extend. The origins of this yogic discipline lies in ancient Bharat (India) and what is known as present day Hinduism. Pranayama is often understood as practicing a control of the breath so that we can reach relaxation, bring this force to specific areas of the body and extend to the body the life that the force brings with it.
From the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali to the most current practices of Yoga, all breathing exercising are meant to aid and facilitate the union of mind and body consciousness. There are various forms of breathing as well as various purposes for instance, calming the breath after effort, deepening the breath for sustained effort, cooling breath after effort and cleansing breath to clear the mind. All forms of breathing turn the sympathetic system off allowing for the mind not to intervene and for the flow of oxygen to reach deep remote areas of the bio-energy system. Conscious breathing is important and not only in Yoga where it is consciously used to facilitate the practice. Breathing opens the heart center and relaxes the lower abdomen.

Reiki Breathing for Self-Treatment:

  1. Sit in easy pose or lay-down, in both postures allow your consciousness to adjust the alignment of your spine, neck and hips;
  2. Close your eyes; bring your attention to your breath, listen, feel and allow it to guide you while making sure your inhale expand your chest, engage your abs and exhale brings your belly button closer to the spine and keep you abs engaged;
  3. Repeat two three times to make sure this comes natural;
  4. In your minds eye, imagine your own hands giving yourself a Reiki treatment, starting with the eyes position and continuing to the abdomen;
  5. Feel the hands on your face, head, neck, upper chest, chest, belly and lower belly;
  6. Focus on your breath and bring that breath into each position, accompanying the hands, allowing the breath to reach out into your bio-energy system as does Reiki;
  7. Upon completion of the Self-treatment, ensure you close up the session with one hands on lower belly and one hand on upper chest, repeating conscious breathing three times.
When you are done, cross your fingers together and rest your crossed hands on your chest, then put one foot on top of the other and remain so for another three conscious breath. This will allow for your own magnetic field to close up the aura around you.

----Stay Blessed----

Thursday 21 November 2013

Healing Addictions With Reiki

How can Reiki help with recovery from debilitating addictions such as overeating, smoking, alcohol, and drug abuse?  

Reiki should not be considered a “cure” for alcoholism or addiction, nor replace traditional treatment, but it can assist with recovery and make it immensely more tolerable. In the same way that Reiki is used as a complementary treatment for disease, such as cancer, heart, respiratory and other disorders, it is a welcome addition to regular treatment and provides vital support to recovery efforts.

Alcoholism and addiction, whether to chemicals, food, nicotine, sex or people sets in motion a continual daily assault on the individual that is physical, mental and spiritual. Chemical dependency of any kind places a great deal of stress on body, emotion and spirit. Sufferers rarely eat or sleep well and are often too busy trying to “keep it together” to bother making even minimal efforts toward health and wellness. Maintaining a normal lifestyle in today’s busy fast paced world, managing a home, a job, kids, is stressful enough for all of us. Substance abuse or addiction multiplies the stress of day to day living many times over. Addicts have spent years, often decades, doing damage to their physical and emotional selves. Add to that the shame and embarrassment that accompanies addiction and the result is out of control emotional pain, serious depression, and devastating loss of self esteem.

Physical: Withdrawal symptoms can be unsettling or downright uncomfortable. Headaches, insomnia, muscle aches and pain, tremors, nausea, general anxiety and depression – all of these can be managed and reduced with the use of the gentle, noninvasive healing of Reiki.

Mental: Addiction is a downward spiral. Over time, those suffering with addiction will have convinced themselves that they are mentally weak, have no will power and are somehow inferior to other “normal” people. Negative self talk is a daily habit and toxic dialogue will often run constantly in the mind.Negative thoughts play continually like a bad soundtrack and hinder the recovery progress. It is vital to replace this with a constructive healthy alternative. Positive Reiki energy provides a very real sense of moving forward and taking important steps to recovery. With practice, negative self talk can be immediately caught and replaced with pure healing energy.

Spiritual: Addiction of any kind isolates and takes sufferers to a very dark, lonely place. Getting clean and sober is like coming back to the light. Finding new interests like Reiki or learning about crystals sparks our creative side and opens us up to experiences we never knew existed. Reiki will help release negative emotions, encourage self forgiveness and allow positive energy to flow and light to come in. Connecting to universal energy brings comfort and serves as a reminder that you are not alone.

Reiki attunement can be especially helpful as it allows the recipient to practice self healing on a daily basis. The importance of this cannot be emphasized enough. Self healing will assist with treating the symptoms at the root cause. These are the issues that caused the abuse initially. It is fear, anxiety, hopelessness that drive an individual to pick up a substance to ease discomfort.  Well meaning physicians prescribe medication to treat the symptoms such as sleeplessness or anxiety and further compound the problem.  Finding an alternate method to self medicating is essential. Use the power symbol, Cho Ku Rei to intensify Reiki energy and clear blocked energy that has occurred in the body over time. Sei He Kei, the emotional healing symbol, can be a powerful ally in releasing past trauma and healing the dis-ease that accompanies it.Using crystals in combination with Reiki can enhance healing sessions. A stone carried in a pocket can be very comforting during stressful moment. Finding the ones that work best for you is fun and interesting.

Reiki healing can and will assist in your journey to restore health and balance. Above all, if you are recovering from an addiction remember that you are a child of the universe and that you have a right to be here. Forgive yourself and move forward. There are so many blessings that await.

----Stay Blessed----

Tuesday 19 November 2013

Writing Meditation Using Reiki Symbols

Meditation is the induced state of mind and writing helps you to achieve that state, as a person can write only when he unifies with the soul. By writing about Reiki or drawing Reiki symbol practically on a paper or any writing material, minor chakras of hand get activated. It is very beneficial for the beginners as it helps in increasing the concentration power (the basic requirement of meditation). It is also helpful for busy office going people who cannot spare extra time for usual meditation; they can meditate during their working hours just by drawing Reiki symbols and writing about Reiki.



•Choose a very comfortable place and time it differs from person to person. Early morning or evening time is best suggested time. Your garden with chirping sound helps to bring the writer out residing inside you.

•Take your favorite notebook and pen or pencil or any writing material.

•Sit comfortably, preferred spine should be straight.

•Start with drawing big beautiful CHKR on the whole page. Now draw six more CHKR on the same page overlapping each other.( you can select the colored pens of chakra’s colors)

•Now draw seven CHKR of smaller size on the next page.

•Go on drawing CHKR till you reach the size of one or half centimeter.

•Draw SHK in the same manner till you reach the minimum size you can draw.

•Now repeat with HSZSN and with other Reiki symbols.

•While drawing the symbol chant the name of symbols.

•Start writing small sentences about Reiki.

•Change sentences into paragraphs.And paragraphs will automatically change into article.Your intuitive power will help you in writing.

Writing slows down our brain waves to the theta state and in this state we could express our highest potential, the new ideas originate in theta state of brain.Meditation also works on the principle of theta state of mind.It helps you in activating your minor chakras in fingers and in hands thus sending energy to all other chakras.It helps to rationalize our thought process.No unwanted thoughts can enter our mind it acts as a filter making us the master of our thoughts.Writing Meditation increase your concentration power and balance you throat chakra.It is said if the throat chakra is in balanced state it can make us a writer or artist.If you start writing or drawing Reiki symbols regularly your throat chakra will be balanced.

----Stay Blessed----

Saturday 16 November 2013

Distant Healing With Reiki

I find that when someone who doesn’t know about Reiki wants to know about distant Reiki, it becomes more difficult. Particularly if they want an explanation for how it works. Many people are somewhat able to understand the basic concepts of Reiki in general, but the thought that this could work for someone on the other side of the world can seem too much to take in.
My experience has been that those who are unfamiliar with energy in healing will ask if distant Reiki works through computers, via the internet or over the phone. They have a hard time understanding how a treatment can be sent without connecting it to something tangible for it to flow through that connects both parties.
The telephone, cable TV and internet all use energy frequencies we can’t see in order to function. The electricity in our homes does the same, as does a radio. All of these have to be tuned to the particular frequency they operate at in order to work. They all have ways to adjust the flow of energy built in so that we can turn them on, off or use them in a different way. And all of them were thought too unbelievable to be true when people first heard of them.
Distant Reiki works the same way. It is energy that must be “tuned” to the person it is being sent to. Once it is “tuned in” it will flow through the energy currents that exist naturally, just the same way that a phone signal or wifi signal does. Distance is no object for it, just as it is no object for the internet or phone communications. The energy that surrounds us carries all of these energies to the intended receiver. With Reiki, the practitioner is the conduit of the energy.
It can be a difficult concept to understand that our thoughts, intentions and emotions are energy. Yet most people can feel that their emotions create an energy sensation in the body. They may also understand that the nerve endings and spinal cord help to carry these energies throughout the body. If you go one step further, you can see the relationship between our thoughts and our emotions. It’s not much of a leap from there to see that our thoughts and emotions have an effect on our perceptions and the people around us. These things truly change our environment! It is all energy.
We have to be careful to start where the person is when we explain Reiki and distant Reiki to someone. All of this begins to feel like second nature to us. Telephones, internet, radio and TV all seem like ordinary things to us, too. But to someone who has never experienced them, they seem mysterious and unreal at first. Some may even be frightened by them, until they have experienced them. The same is true with Reiki and other energy medicine techniques. Be patient and clear. Share your experiences and offer to share distant Reiki with them, if they are open to it. As always, experiencing Reiki first hand seems to clear up any doubt.

----Stay Blessed----

Thursday 14 November 2013

6 Easy Steps To Violet Flame Bath

This is a method of sensitizing your hands and purging yourself clean of all negative emotions and energies. I have purged people, places and even objects of all negative and dense energies using this method.
Many of us know, we use the Violet flame in Reiki to transmute negative energies. But probably we do not know why!
When we consider the colors of the rainbow,they each have a healing frequency and a purification quality. These rays emit energies which we can pull and use in our daily practice. Violet is the ray of the highest healing and purification. Anything related to violet is pure or God like!
For instance Cho Ku Rei as a symbol is red in color. It is associated with action and the root chakra. That is why we use it as a Power symbol. Sei Hei Ki is blue in color and is associated with the throat chakra. And Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen is associated with the crown chakra hence violet in color. All symbols after Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen are violet in color. The Dai Ko Myo is beyond the crown chakra and will also be violet in color.
So what is the Violet flame? And where is it? Think of a fire lit on a candle or the gas burner or even a sacred fire pit. Have you ever observed the flames? Have you seen that the ends of the flame have blue, violet and indigo tinge? In fact the violet color is at the base of the fire and is very prominent. This is the violet flame! This is the purest part of the fire. Whenever we burn anything over the fire we are actually purging away the negativity with the violet flame!
Reiki is a mix of a lot of unknown theories and facts. Hence it is multidimensional.

Here is the Violet Flame Bath method in 6 easy steps.Try and see how it works for you! 

1. State the intention “I wish to take a Violet flame bath to purify or detoxify myself.” Say this 3 times.

2. Draw all the symbols on your target or intention. DKM + CKR + SHK + HSZSN (DKM to be used for those who have the master symbol attunement, rest level two symbols are good enough).

3. Visualize a big bonfire or campfire in front of you. Step into it. If you wish you can visualize the color of the fire to be violet.

4. Stand in the fire for some time. Keep the Reiki flowing from your body. Affirm “this healing purifies my mind, body and soul.” Say this 3 times.

5. Step out of the bonfire or violet flame. You will notice there is and increased sensitivity of your hands. Meaning the energy flow will tingle your hands in a powerful way. You will also sense a lightness and peace in your entire being. This technique can be used to increase Reiki flow in your hands and the entire body.

6. Seal the healing with a big CKR. If you wish you can program the healing for 24 hours. Say “HSZSN – I wish to program this healing continuously for 24 hours” (x 3 times).

----Stay Blessed----

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Spirit Guides And You

Many of us believe we have guides who are unseen, unheard, unspoken beings but we feel their presence. These guides back us up when we are down, comfort us when we are sad and can even cheer us for our victories! They are our spirit guides. These guides are assigned to us before our birth, selected by us at the soul plane and they are there to help and guide us as we walk our life path.

These guides are broadly divided into 3 types :


1. Universal guides

They may be ascended masters or archangels who communicate with us and guide us. These beings are universal guides since they probably are guiding many of us at the same time. They are of such high vibration that they can be available at different places at the same time.


2. Personal guides

These guides are of a higher vibration and we have known them in one or many of our earthly lives. They have ascended long ago and are now assigned to help members of their soul family.


3. Family guides

These are usually deceased relatives who silently communicate with you after passing away. They are walk in guides as they do not linger for long. But they share a strong affinity with you. It can be a deceased relative or parent who guides you after their death.

It is important to know that guides do not have names. We may choose any name for them which resonates with their form and nature.Names are a tangible earthly requirement and whatever sounds nice to us, we can name them that.

How do they communicate with us?

Spirit guides communicate through intuition or gut feelings. Sometimes they may scream a warning inside our head. That’s when we know we are on the wrong path.
They will gently guide you, but will jump in to help you only when you ask for their help. They are usually in touch with all your soul family members, ascended masters and archangels and hence can take your requests to them.
Guides communicate with us through signs and synchronicities. Recurring messages are a sign of your immediate action or attention. Sometimes, guides send people into our lives to give us a message or warning or just a word of comfort.

The best way to know your spirit guide’s name is to concentrate on the following sentence and keep repeating it in your mind for three minutes.
“I want to know the name of my spirit guide.” Keep staring at space and repeat this sentence for three minutes. You will hear some name or sound that may or may not make sense. Write it down, cause that will be their name.Ask them to reveal themselves to you and just bond with them.It’s fun to know your guide.Try it!

----Stay Blessed----

Sunday 10 November 2013

4 Common Myths About Reiki

There are a some common myths and misconceptions about Reiki among non-practitioners, but don’t have time or interest to go deeper. Or even sometimes (rarely though) among practitioners who are just getting into the Reiki training. Here are a few of them:

Myth 1 : Healers are using their own energy to heal the patient
This is not correct. A healer is but a channel through which the healing energy flows. The source of the energy is the God, the Universe, the Creator, or as some call  ”the Source” (capital S) – or whatever you choose to call it. Once attuned, healers become capable of channeling Reiki energy.

Myth 2 : Mikao Usui was a Medical Doctor
Dr. Mikao Usui was actually not a physician. He might have been a Dr. in literature, according to some sources, or he may not have had any doctorate title at all, according to other sources – and the Dr. title would come from the best translation Mrs.Takata could find for “Sensei”.To make for even more confusion, “Sensei” in Japanese is a term that applies to “medical doctors” in addition to the more widely-used sense (of e.g. teacher, or someone senior with experience and knowledge).

Myth 3 : Reiki only works if you believe in it
Some people seem to think that Reiki is some sort of placebo effect, which only works if you believe it works. This is also not correct. Reiki will work regardless of whether you believe it or not, as long as you don’t artificially block it, by resisting the flow or refusing treatment.Reiki is not placebo, it is real healing energy flowing through our bodies, as many practitioners have experienced.

Myth 4 : Watches, jewelry, and other metal objects are blocking the flow of Reiki
Some think that healers and patients should not wear metal objects such as watches, necklaces, and other jewelry, because it supposedly blocks the flow of energy.Again this is incorrect, Reiki has been experienced and proven to work and “pass through” not only metal objects placed closed to the body, such as jewelry, but also through walls, through mountains, across oceans, even across the entire planet – distance healing sessions are a very common practice in Reiki.

----Stay Blessed----

Monday 4 November 2013

Personal Choice in Healing

Sometimes I hear a Reiki practitioner say that Reiki is the only healing method necessary. They almost seem personally offended at the thought of someone choosing to use another healing method over Reiki, or in combination with Reiki, particularly if it is another alternative method.
The truth is the healing method a person chooses has to feel right to them. If there is an inner resistance, it creates tension in them and static in their energy system. This will delay their healing progress as it goes counter to the process of easing the flow of energy and improving well being.
It is important that comfort and healing be our upmost priority when working with someone. We need to reflect this in our day to day encounters. The method or combination of methods that bring comfort and healing is none of our concern.
Reiki is only one of many energy healing techniques. Not everyone feels comfortable with Reiki. In fact, some are not comfortable with energy medicine or any type of natural healing at all. Some prefer a different type of energy healing than Reiki. Still others want to employ several healing modalities. A person chooses want feels comfortable to them.
Reiki is a marvelous healing tool. But it is not the only tool. Many people have amazing results from aromatherapy, EFT, the Emotion Code, pranic healing, acupuncture, chiropractic, homeopathy or allopathic medicine. We do a disservice if we push the idea that Reiki is the only way to healing or even that it is the best. It is best for the person who chooses it, but not for others.
Even among Reiki practitioners, there are some who combine other therapies with Reiki. Many of us offer the use of crystals, aromatherapy, massage, yoga or acupuncture, to name a few. If the client feels comfortable with this, it can only serve to improve their healing experience. It takes nothing away from the Reiki.
All healing is really energy healing. True healing works with and moves energy freely through the system. It all encourages and enhances well being. When working to try and guide a person toward wellness, the energy must move. Even if it is not acknowledged as energy healing or even understood as such, that is still what it is.
Additionally, all healing really takes place within the person being healed. It requires a shift that they must participate in for real change to occur. If this shift doesn’t happen, the illness may go away, but the underlying cause remains. It will resurface in as many different ways as it needs to in order to catalyze the true healing and growth the person needs. Because of this truth, a person needs to choose a healing method they feel relaxed and comfortable with, no matter what that method is.
Some people need to explore different methods or combinations of methods to find the path to healing that feels right to them. In the end, the greatest concern needs to be that a person gets healing and that they feel easeful with it. Our goal should be to assist them in finding their own way to their path. The healing of a person is a beautiful thing. When someone moves closer to healing, we all benefit.

----Stay Blessed----

Saturday 2 November 2013

Soul Integration Meditation

We are conscious of few acts in our life but many are there, which we are not directly related to us but are stored in our unconscious mind. Sometime with some of our deed the third party gets affected, his or her aura is connected to your soul unknowingly and licking your energy. Suppose you have expelled any one of your dependent because of his or her misbehavior, you are not aware of sufferings of his or her dependents because of the expulsion, thus they are attached to your aura unknowingly. Taking another example, an event in which your friend was hurt because of the third person, you were not directly affected but you were disturbed because of your friend thus leaving some part of your soul there unknowingly. Now it’s the time to collect all the fragments of your soul and live as an integrated soul by this meditation. In this meditation you just feel like giving, giving and giving. It takes you near to the Source because He is the only Giver on this beautiful earth, we are the receivers only but after this meditation you love to give unconditional love to everyone. The bonding with the materialistic world starts becoming weak and the bonding with the super natural power starts increasing. I would like to suggest you must have this meditation once in a month.


1) Clean the aura of your room and your own aura.

2) Relax switch off your phones, door bells every thing of this type you need little more concentration(I suggest morning hours as during that time you are in most relaxed state and no one disturbs you during those hours, this is my way, you do as your intuition guides you).

3) If you are in a habit of having background music you can play it but very mild. (I do it without chants)

4) Sit in any comfortable position your spine should be straight. You should be extra comfortable as it is a little long process.

5) Close your eyes. Take three long breaths.

6) Start meditating about the very first year of your life when you came to this world.
  • Say thanks to your mother for holding you for nine months, for rearing and caring for you, touch her feet to get her blessing.
  •  Say thank you  to your father ( your intuition will guide you what to say )
  • Picturise the scene of your birth and say thank you to relatives, baby sitter and every one you feel at that time.
  • Say thank you to nurses and the doctors for immunizations.
  •  Feel as if you along with every one are very happy and celebrating.
  • Apply the symbols as per your intuition.
  •  Now say sorry to your mother for the pain she had to bear by giving you birth, say sorry for the suffering she had to under go because of you.
  • Say sorry to your father for all your mistakes and mischief.
  •  Say sorry to all the relatives, doctors, baby sitter and to every one you feel at that time.
  •  When you feel you are over with the first year, forgive yourself for everything.
  •  Smile, a broad smile should be there on your face.
  •  Seal everything with Cho Ku Rei.

7) Meditate the second year’s events by saying thank you, sorry, applying symbols, forgiving yourself sealing with CHKR and a smile.

8) Meditate the whole life till date, year wise by the same process. Once you start, your intuition will guide you whom to say thank you and whom to say sorry.

The results are remarkable you are the same but you start feeling a new being residing in you.Repeated meditation will help you to live earlier period of your life as you wanted it to live by changing the records stored in your unconscious mind.Live Happy and Let Others Live Happily.

----Stay Blessed----

Tuesday 29 October 2013

Role Of Lightworkers

Are you a light worker? If yes, who are you? Lightworkers are people or souls who have volunteered to raise the vibrations of humanity by following or spreading the light. These mature souls have gained enough spiritual wisdom to see the shortcomings and pangs of earthly life. And they know exactly what to do to change this situation.
Lightworkers are in human form. They choose to be born or may even be a walk in. They live their lives as human beings to blend with society and carry out their work silently. Of course they do lead normal ordinary lives. Otherwise, they would keep getting involved in messy political and social situations. They sort of lead double lives or have double identities. They have a personal soul contract to fulfill and a social soul contract to fulfill.
Their personal and social soul contracts are decided before their reincarnation. The personal stuff would include getting married, having babies, working as a hairdresser or consultant etc. The social contract would include teaching, learning, energy healing, spiritual sermons etc.
There is a sense of urgency in Lightworkers which they are often unaware of. It’s like some unknown whip that keeps cracking on them to do or know things in a hurry. The unknown is always fascinating to them, and the predictable is often mundane.
Lightworkers reach enlightenment before they reincarnate and therefore in every lifetime they will again and again attain enlightenment. They have lived many lives on earth in which they were deeply involved with spirituality and/or religion. They could have lived as saints, nuns, politicians, witches, and even Kings. They have always been Empaths or psychic, serving as a connector between the known and the unknown. They have been staked or persecuted for this for centuries. People hate the unknown!

Lightworkers can be divided in to three categories :


1. Earth Angels

These souls have been fairies or witches in the ancient and medieval ages and in all probability will choose the same identity in every life. They have an innate sense of environment, the four elemental directions and their all six senses are highly developed. Earth angels choose nursing, healing and teaching as professions.


2. Incarnated Angels

These are reincarnated Ascended Masters or Archangels in human form. For example Mother Mary may come back as an Incarnated Angel and so can Krishna or Buddha. These souls are natural born leaders and teachers. People are drawn to their charm like magnets! Incarnated angels choose spiritual healing / teaching, politics, social work, world peace etc as their professions.


3. Mystic Stars

These people are natural readers of astrology and astronomy. Anything to do with the cosmos and planets. They make powerful healers, fortune tellers, scientists and astrologers.

I feel it is fun to know if you are a Lightworker of some sort. It gives you clarity on your life path. And who can give you better clarity than Reiki? Connect to Reiki with the distance symbol and ask to get insights, signs to see if you are a Lightworker or not. Besides that for those who have the Master symbol, do meditation on it and ask questions. You will know if you are a Lightworker or not!

----Stay Blessed----

Sunday 27 October 2013

Reiki as Preventative Medicine

Reiki is excellent to use as a healing method for illness and injury. It helps heal mental and emotional wounds and promotes deep inner peace. It can deepen our spirituality, regardless of our religious affiliation. It helps to create balance in our lives and smooth out the rough spots. However, Reiki is often neglected as a preventative method both when treating ourselves and others.
Reiki brings the body into a state of deep relaxation. It lowers blood pressure and heart rate and brings the breathing into a steady, calm rhythm. This state of relaxation is very important during illness or after injury, during periods of high stress or mental and emotional overwhelm.
But it is important to reach this deep level of relaxation on a regular basis, even when nothing extraordinary is happening. It keeps all our systems working in their upmost state of harmony, allowing energy to flow freely. This keeps the system as closely aligned as possible with its highest state of health.
Using Reiki to achieve this state of relaxation has the added benefit of infusing the system with the loving energy of healing. This energy flows throughout the body, the aura and the chakras. By stimulating the renewal of all the levels of existence and removing blockages, we allow for the person to more easily stay in good health.
Since Reiki works on all levels, it also encourages the peace to handle life’s difficulties as they come. This helps to keep stress low and the chakras clear. It greatly improves the flow of life, as things seem easier to cope with. The calmness of mind that comes with Reiki can make room for more creative thinking and problem solving.
By regularly rebalancing the system, we prevent or prolong the onset of disease. And keeping a more peaceful state of mind may actually help to prevent injury by reducing tense muscles. Working more effectively with difficult situations lessens mental and emotional strain, as well as the physical problems associated with them.
Many illnesses are shown to be caused or contributed to by high stress levels.Stress has been shown to worsen or increase risks with obesity, heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, asthma, gastrointestinal disorders, and depression. It contributes to headaches, aging and even premature death.
Stress builds up in most everyone’s life as we go through our daily activities. Many people are overworked. Society promotes staying busy all the time and little value is put into rest and stillness. Without regularly releasing this in a healthy manner and creating new balance, we damage our bodies from the energetic level down to the physical level.
It is now known that everything we feel is recorded and stored at the molecular level throughout the body. It has also been shown that loving intention has an effect at the molecular level. Masaru Emoto’s studies of water molecules show that loving thoughts and words brought them into balance forming beautiful fractal patterns. Harsh thoughts and words brought disharmony and dissonance in the patterns the molecules formed. This shows how our thoughts and feelings can change us on a physical level. Balancing stress out with the loving energy of Reiki can help keep our molecules in a state of harmonious resonance.
We do our clients a great service by reminding them of the benefit of Reiki sessions for preventative and stress reduction purposes. We owe it to ourselves and our clients to give ourselves regular Reiki treatments for the same reason. In this way, we increase our ability to be available as clear and open channels for the Universal healing energy that is Reiki.

----Stay Blessed----