Tuesday 29 October 2013

Role Of Lightworkers

Are you a light worker? If yes, who are you? Lightworkers are people or souls who have volunteered to raise the vibrations of humanity by following or spreading the light. These mature souls have gained enough spiritual wisdom to see the shortcomings and pangs of earthly life. And they know exactly what to do to change this situation.
Lightworkers are in human form. They choose to be born or may even be a walk in. They live their lives as human beings to blend with society and carry out their work silently. Of course they do lead normal ordinary lives. Otherwise, they would keep getting involved in messy political and social situations. They sort of lead double lives or have double identities. They have a personal soul contract to fulfill and a social soul contract to fulfill.
Their personal and social soul contracts are decided before their reincarnation. The personal stuff would include getting married, having babies, working as a hairdresser or consultant etc. The social contract would include teaching, learning, energy healing, spiritual sermons etc.
There is a sense of urgency in Lightworkers which they are often unaware of. It’s like some unknown whip that keeps cracking on them to do or know things in a hurry. The unknown is always fascinating to them, and the predictable is often mundane.
Lightworkers reach enlightenment before they reincarnate and therefore in every lifetime they will again and again attain enlightenment. They have lived many lives on earth in which they were deeply involved with spirituality and/or religion. They could have lived as saints, nuns, politicians, witches, and even Kings. They have always been Empaths or psychic, serving as a connector between the known and the unknown. They have been staked or persecuted for this for centuries. People hate the unknown!

Lightworkers can be divided in to three categories :


1. Earth Angels

These souls have been fairies or witches in the ancient and medieval ages and in all probability will choose the same identity in every life. They have an innate sense of environment, the four elemental directions and their all six senses are highly developed. Earth angels choose nursing, healing and teaching as professions.


2. Incarnated Angels

These are reincarnated Ascended Masters or Archangels in human form. For example Mother Mary may come back as an Incarnated Angel and so can Krishna or Buddha. These souls are natural born leaders and teachers. People are drawn to their charm like magnets! Incarnated angels choose spiritual healing / teaching, politics, social work, world peace etc as their professions.


3. Mystic Stars

These people are natural readers of astrology and astronomy. Anything to do with the cosmos and planets. They make powerful healers, fortune tellers, scientists and astrologers.

I feel it is fun to know if you are a Lightworker of some sort. It gives you clarity on your life path. And who can give you better clarity than Reiki? Connect to Reiki with the distance symbol and ask to get insights, signs to see if you are a Lightworker or not. Besides that for those who have the Master symbol, do meditation on it and ask questions. You will know if you are a Lightworker or not!

----Stay Blessed----

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