Sunday 27 October 2013

Reiki as Preventative Medicine

Reiki is excellent to use as a healing method for illness and injury. It helps heal mental and emotional wounds and promotes deep inner peace. It can deepen our spirituality, regardless of our religious affiliation. It helps to create balance in our lives and smooth out the rough spots. However, Reiki is often neglected as a preventative method both when treating ourselves and others.
Reiki brings the body into a state of deep relaxation. It lowers blood pressure and heart rate and brings the breathing into a steady, calm rhythm. This state of relaxation is very important during illness or after injury, during periods of high stress or mental and emotional overwhelm.
But it is important to reach this deep level of relaxation on a regular basis, even when nothing extraordinary is happening. It keeps all our systems working in their upmost state of harmony, allowing energy to flow freely. This keeps the system as closely aligned as possible with its highest state of health.
Using Reiki to achieve this state of relaxation has the added benefit of infusing the system with the loving energy of healing. This energy flows throughout the body, the aura and the chakras. By stimulating the renewal of all the levels of existence and removing blockages, we allow for the person to more easily stay in good health.
Since Reiki works on all levels, it also encourages the peace to handle life’s difficulties as they come. This helps to keep stress low and the chakras clear. It greatly improves the flow of life, as things seem easier to cope with. The calmness of mind that comes with Reiki can make room for more creative thinking and problem solving.
By regularly rebalancing the system, we prevent or prolong the onset of disease. And keeping a more peaceful state of mind may actually help to prevent injury by reducing tense muscles. Working more effectively with difficult situations lessens mental and emotional strain, as well as the physical problems associated with them.
Many illnesses are shown to be caused or contributed to by high stress levels.Stress has been shown to worsen or increase risks with obesity, heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, asthma, gastrointestinal disorders, and depression. It contributes to headaches, aging and even premature death.
Stress builds up in most everyone’s life as we go through our daily activities. Many people are overworked. Society promotes staying busy all the time and little value is put into rest and stillness. Without regularly releasing this in a healthy manner and creating new balance, we damage our bodies from the energetic level down to the physical level.
It is now known that everything we feel is recorded and stored at the molecular level throughout the body. It has also been shown that loving intention has an effect at the molecular level. Masaru Emoto’s studies of water molecules show that loving thoughts and words brought them into balance forming beautiful fractal patterns. Harsh thoughts and words brought disharmony and dissonance in the patterns the molecules formed. This shows how our thoughts and feelings can change us on a physical level. Balancing stress out with the loving energy of Reiki can help keep our molecules in a state of harmonious resonance.
We do our clients a great service by reminding them of the benefit of Reiki sessions for preventative and stress reduction purposes. We owe it to ourselves and our clients to give ourselves regular Reiki treatments for the same reason. In this way, we increase our ability to be available as clear and open channels for the Universal healing energy that is Reiki.

----Stay Blessed----

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