Tuesday 29 October 2013

Role Of Lightworkers

Are you a light worker? If yes, who are you? Lightworkers are people or souls who have volunteered to raise the vibrations of humanity by following or spreading the light. These mature souls have gained enough spiritual wisdom to see the shortcomings and pangs of earthly life. And they know exactly what to do to change this situation.
Lightworkers are in human form. They choose to be born or may even be a walk in. They live their lives as human beings to blend with society and carry out their work silently. Of course they do lead normal ordinary lives. Otherwise, they would keep getting involved in messy political and social situations. They sort of lead double lives or have double identities. They have a personal soul contract to fulfill and a social soul contract to fulfill.
Their personal and social soul contracts are decided before their reincarnation. The personal stuff would include getting married, having babies, working as a hairdresser or consultant etc. The social contract would include teaching, learning, energy healing, spiritual sermons etc.
There is a sense of urgency in Lightworkers which they are often unaware of. It’s like some unknown whip that keeps cracking on them to do or know things in a hurry. The unknown is always fascinating to them, and the predictable is often mundane.
Lightworkers reach enlightenment before they reincarnate and therefore in every lifetime they will again and again attain enlightenment. They have lived many lives on earth in which they were deeply involved with spirituality and/or religion. They could have lived as saints, nuns, politicians, witches, and even Kings. They have always been Empaths or psychic, serving as a connector between the known and the unknown. They have been staked or persecuted for this for centuries. People hate the unknown!

Lightworkers can be divided in to three categories :


1. Earth Angels

These souls have been fairies or witches in the ancient and medieval ages and in all probability will choose the same identity in every life. They have an innate sense of environment, the four elemental directions and their all six senses are highly developed. Earth angels choose nursing, healing and teaching as professions.


2. Incarnated Angels

These are reincarnated Ascended Masters or Archangels in human form. For example Mother Mary may come back as an Incarnated Angel and so can Krishna or Buddha. These souls are natural born leaders and teachers. People are drawn to their charm like magnets! Incarnated angels choose spiritual healing / teaching, politics, social work, world peace etc as their professions.


3. Mystic Stars

These people are natural readers of astrology and astronomy. Anything to do with the cosmos and planets. They make powerful healers, fortune tellers, scientists and astrologers.

I feel it is fun to know if you are a Lightworker of some sort. It gives you clarity on your life path. And who can give you better clarity than Reiki? Connect to Reiki with the distance symbol and ask to get insights, signs to see if you are a Lightworker or not. Besides that for those who have the Master symbol, do meditation on it and ask questions. You will know if you are a Lightworker or not!

----Stay Blessed----

Sunday 27 October 2013

Reiki as Preventative Medicine

Reiki is excellent to use as a healing method for illness and injury. It helps heal mental and emotional wounds and promotes deep inner peace. It can deepen our spirituality, regardless of our religious affiliation. It helps to create balance in our lives and smooth out the rough spots. However, Reiki is often neglected as a preventative method both when treating ourselves and others.
Reiki brings the body into a state of deep relaxation. It lowers blood pressure and heart rate and brings the breathing into a steady, calm rhythm. This state of relaxation is very important during illness or after injury, during periods of high stress or mental and emotional overwhelm.
But it is important to reach this deep level of relaxation on a regular basis, even when nothing extraordinary is happening. It keeps all our systems working in their upmost state of harmony, allowing energy to flow freely. This keeps the system as closely aligned as possible with its highest state of health.
Using Reiki to achieve this state of relaxation has the added benefit of infusing the system with the loving energy of healing. This energy flows throughout the body, the aura and the chakras. By stimulating the renewal of all the levels of existence and removing blockages, we allow for the person to more easily stay in good health.
Since Reiki works on all levels, it also encourages the peace to handle life’s difficulties as they come. This helps to keep stress low and the chakras clear. It greatly improves the flow of life, as things seem easier to cope with. The calmness of mind that comes with Reiki can make room for more creative thinking and problem solving.
By regularly rebalancing the system, we prevent or prolong the onset of disease. And keeping a more peaceful state of mind may actually help to prevent injury by reducing tense muscles. Working more effectively with difficult situations lessens mental and emotional strain, as well as the physical problems associated with them.
Many illnesses are shown to be caused or contributed to by high stress levels.Stress has been shown to worsen or increase risks with obesity, heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, asthma, gastrointestinal disorders, and depression. It contributes to headaches, aging and even premature death.
Stress builds up in most everyone’s life as we go through our daily activities. Many people are overworked. Society promotes staying busy all the time and little value is put into rest and stillness. Without regularly releasing this in a healthy manner and creating new balance, we damage our bodies from the energetic level down to the physical level.
It is now known that everything we feel is recorded and stored at the molecular level throughout the body. It has also been shown that loving intention has an effect at the molecular level. Masaru Emoto’s studies of water molecules show that loving thoughts and words brought them into balance forming beautiful fractal patterns. Harsh thoughts and words brought disharmony and dissonance in the patterns the molecules formed. This shows how our thoughts and feelings can change us on a physical level. Balancing stress out with the loving energy of Reiki can help keep our molecules in a state of harmonious resonance.
We do our clients a great service by reminding them of the benefit of Reiki sessions for preventative and stress reduction purposes. We owe it to ourselves and our clients to give ourselves regular Reiki treatments for the same reason. In this way, we increase our ability to be available as clear and open channels for the Universal healing energy that is Reiki.

----Stay Blessed----

Friday 25 October 2013

Reiki Breath

It’s the time when old belief that all of us are blessed with a definite age period by the God should be given up as we can lengthen our age by Reiki breathing.
Don’t be surprised, it is very much true. I would like to give stress on the point that it’s not the fixed age by years which we have to live in the present birth but the counted breaths, which we have earned from our previous birth’s karmas. After completing the breath process in the specified body, the soul reunites with the source for a period, short or long depending on the accumulated karmas and the body disintegrates into five elements of which it is composed. This is the journey of soul on this earth. We can make this journey smooth by Reiki breathing.

The Reiki breath is long breathing two or three in one minute, depending on the practice of breathing. The method of Reiki breathing is as follow:

*Sit comfortably and relax. (Spine should be straight).

*Have a deep inhale, feel as if you are inhaling CHKR, filling your chest with pure filtered oxygen and CHKR and than filling your stomach with oxygen& CHKR, inhale till oxygen blended with CHKR reaches each and every part of your body. Keep inhaling till you feel no more inhale is possible. The power symbol reaches each and every cell of our body and all the cells of our body starts glowing with the ever lasting energy of Cho ku rei. All type of deformities and problems can be healed by this inhale. In this way all the organs of your body are filled with pure Reiki oxygen.

*Hold the breath as long as you can hold (in beginning you can start with five seconds and than increase the time accordingly). Feel the warmth of energy of the power symbol in your body. Try to observe the inter change of Reiki oxygen and toxic carbon dioxide in the cells. In this process all the toxin generated by organs are mixed with carbon dioxide.

*Exhale first from chest, than from the stomach and than from all the body parts till you feel no more exhale is possible. In this way, the toxic carbon dioxide is expelled from the body through the nostrils. You can feel exhale through your body also.
The Reiki breath is very refreshing, fills us with positive energy and throws all negative energy out of the body.

If you cannot concentrate on the breathing with CHKR or your intuition is guiding you to inhale any other symbol than also it is equally beneficial.
Reiki healers should always follow the Reiki breath as it is also a form of meditation.
Reiki breath also enhances our intuitive power. It also helps in balancing of chakras.

I would like to mention that the normal breathing rate for a normal person is 15-20 breaths/minutes means 21600-28800 breaths/day where as Reiki breathing rate can be 2-3 breaths/minutes means 2880-4320breaths/day.
Now we can very well imagine the difference in the ages of healers with Reiki breath and non Reiki healers.
So isn’t it very easy to fix up our ages. How interesting, it’s in our own hands how long we want to live on this beautiful earth? Stay blessed and live long Reiki life!

----Stay Blessed----

Wednesday 23 October 2013

Sati Grid Using Reiki

In Hindu Mythology Sati was a woman who immolated or burnt herself as her father had insulted her husband. Her husband was none other than Lord Shiva of the Hindu pantheon! She loved her husband unconditionally and so did he, and after her death her husband lost his mind and started destroying the world, so much was their love for each other. In earlier days, a woman’s devotion was compared to Sati’s.
Hence the name of the grid which makes your relationship with your spouse everlasting, better and harmonious is called the Sati Grid.It was for uniting two love filled energies together, forever.
This Grid can be used only by a Reiki Master as it consists of the Master symbol. If you are a Reiki level 1 or 2 practitioner, take help of a Reiki Master.

Before setting up the grid, few things should be remembered and I am listing them as follows

1. One should keep in mind that the size of the grid should be 10”X10”, and not less than that. You make take a 12 inches or 15 inches grid also.

2. Check the auras of the people who you are intending to unite. It’s very important that the auras should be checked, as two people meant to be together in a relationship have very similar auras. There is no hard and fast of knowing this. You should have a sense of intuition or allow the divine to guide you.

3. The Grid should not be disturbed for 21 days, during which continue sending Reiki. You can also cover the grid mentally with a pyramid shield to prevent third party interference.

The Reiki Grid requires two Rose Quartz pyramid crystals which are to be put on the heart chakras of the photographs. Rose Quartz is used for love and heals the heart chakra. It is said to unite the power of two energies.

Apart from that you would also require four clear quarts or rose quartz crystals which are in pencil shape. Place them at the four corners of the grid looking inward. This signifies that the crystals will absorb negative energies from east west north and south or all four directions.
You would also require the photographs of the two people who you would like to unite.

If you are setting up the Reiki Grid, remember to charge it every day with the intention “These two lovers or energies are happily united together forever” or if you are doing it for yourself, please state the intention “I and my Soul Mate / Twin Flame are happily united together forever.” For 21 days continue to send normal healing or distance healing to your grid and watch the wonders!

The grid works well and with Reiki our intention amplifies, so the grid can actually start creating changes in the lives of the lovers who are to unite! This would mean removing obstacles out of their way so that they can find each other.
This Grid has worked beautifully for each and every person who has used and I am sure, it would work for people who will use it too, all it asks you to do is have a little faith and a positive outlook.

Below is the Image of the Sati Grid.

Sati Grid

Wednesday 16 October 2013

Can Anyone Be a Healer?

I love practicing Reiki. I love the feeling of the healing energy running through me. I love the feeling of deep spiritual connection with another. I love being a conduit for healing.
When I first decided to be trained in energy medicine, it was not because I didn’t know how to heal. It was because I was fascinated with the fact that I already could. I wanted to learn more about this healing process of intention and energy. I also desperately wanted some validation through the learning process and credentials that came with Reiki training.
Now that I am part of the Reiki community, I am often surprised at how many of us had experiences with healing others before ever hearing of Reiki. It seems many people have known they were able to heal since childhood and practiced this rather instinctively, especially with animals. Many of us have also noticed that we are often aware when someone is ill simply by sensing it, and some know precisely what is wrong.
Can we all heal? Even without special training or attunements? Hands-on- healing goes back to the dawn of man. Humans have known to direct life force energy since prehistoric times, long before the term Reiki was used. The techniques used vary somewhat, but there are many striking similarities. And clearly all these techniques direct the flow of energy, open restricted pathways and promote total healing.
Reiki teachings don’t dispute that we all have the ability to heal. Anyone can learn Reiki. But what is the difference between our own innate ability and Reiki? I believe it is our openness and willingness to accept the healing process, in ourselves and others.
Healing is completely natural. However, many of us become closed to our ability to heal as we are socialized. This is particularly true in Western society. This keeps us from using it and in some cases teaches us that it is wrong to believe we can heal. It keeps us from accepting it even when we do heal.
Reiki teaches a certain set of hand positions and techniques that can facilitate the healing process. But more than anything, Reiki is the direction of loving intention, allowing the life force energy to flow unimpeded wherever it is most needed. Techniques and hand positions may vary from teacher to teacher, but this key element stays the same.
In order for us to approach Reiki and learn more about it, we open ourselves up to possibilities in healing. We are willing to seek and know that which is already part of us, even if we haven’t recognized it yet. The attunements open our energy pathways (and therefore our minds) even further, allowing us to more easily be a conduit to heal ourselves and others. Even disbelievers in life force energy will feel the difference this makes. Attunement is a very deep healing. In the process of this intense healing, we reawaken to our natural state of health, healing and harmony.
Healing seems to be an instinctive response that we all carry, but many learn to suppress. Through the attunement process, we are able to become aware of the healing that is possible with the direction of the life force energy. It seems that humans have always shared this understanding through various methods of transmission and attunement, awakening those who are ready to understand.
The fact that so many cultures throughout history have had energy healing methods indicates that some people are naturally able to do this work and open others to their own abilities. Dr. Usui is a more recent example of someone who did not need attunement in order to heal and to transmit this knowledge to others. Reiki attunement is a pathway to realignment with what is already within us. I do not believe it is the only pathway. In the end, it is the healing that the world needs. The healing matters more than the name we choose to call it by or how we came to understand it.

----Stay Blessed----

Sunday 13 October 2013

Scanning Body’s Energy Field With Reiki

To understand the practice of ‘scanning’ we must first try to understand the principles that make it possible. Firstly, the physical body is in fact a complete energy system that creates a bio-electromagnetic energy field that surrounds the physical body in the same way that an energy field surrounds a simple magnet; it’s this energy we tune into when we scan the body. In the same way that a magnetic field has a core, the body’s core runs from the crown to the perineum along which are situated seven major energy centers known as Chakra’s. This bio-electromagnetic field is commonly known as the ‘aura’, and the aura is a tangible extension of those energy centers and the system as a whole.
Many philosophers and teachers believe that the aura has seven levels of refinement that directly responds to each of the Chakra’s, and while there may be differences in opinions as to the number of energetic layers, they all agree that disruptions in the aura can have a direct and adverse effect on the bodies energy systems and through time can manifest in the physical body as discomfort, illness or disease. Many ancient civilisations acknowledge the aura as an antenna that connects man with the subtle energies of the Universe and resonate with the Earth’s own magnetic field.
To help us further understand we need to change the way we think of matter and what we perceive as solid objects such as the human body. Science has long known that matter, be it plant, animal or mineral, reduced to its sub-atomic level reaches the point where matter and energy become indistinguishable and interchangeable. In countless tests they also discovered that the energies being examined and observed were being affected and directed by the thought processes of those carrying out the research, ‘the energy was following their intent’. Their thought processes were creating its own powerful energy field that affected how the matter/energy reacted when observed.
Through your Reiki attunements/empowerments you are given the means and knowledge to be able with practice, to scan the body’s energy field or aura. The word attunement means ‘to be in harmony with’ and we have the potential to harmonise our energy with that of others to create an ‘energy picture’ of them. Primarily our palms provide the means by which we can achieve this, powerful energy centre’s in our palms act as transmitters and receivers providing us with the information we need to achieve this. Once again science provides the proof. Researchers in China were able to measure and quantify that the palms of people involved with energy work such as healers and Chi Gung practitioners emit a combination of infrasonic, electromagnetic, microwave and infra red energy waves.
What we perceive as the physical body is one of the many layers of energy that forms the subtle bodies that we call human beings. These bodies extend out from the physical body with the layer farthest away having the highest energetic frequency. The layers closest to the body have a lower frequency and denser composition, the closer to the body the denser the energy becomes until the energy condenses to take on the form of the physical body. The physical body, matter, is the densest form of energy in all of the subtle bodies, and it’s the varying energetic fields of the subtle bodies that provide us with the information we receive during the process of scanning.
Having looked at the principles of scanning we must turn our attention to the practice, and the differing ways of developing the intuitive skills necessary to understand the information we received during the scanning process. Development of any intuitive skill requires patience, perseverance and practice in equal measure. It also requires an acceptance from you that the answers you require from the ‘information’ you’ve received will come with experience. For your intuitive skills to grow and develop, you must acknowledge their existence and trust in them.
We each have within us a wealth of cellular memory, wisdom, knowledge and understanding that is part of our genetic inheritance, your intuitive skills is a legacy to you. Your attunement awakened them but it’s up to you to cultivate them and use them, for the more they are used the stronger they become. In using your intuitive ability for the good of others you show respect to those gifts, and respect to those who have gone before you, that you may gain knowledge and understanding.
Many books and teachers will advise you to follow a set procedure when you start to scan the energy body. There is nothing wrong with looking at different ways of carrying out the scanning exercise, but you should remember that books and the information they provide are merely sign posts to show the way. Sign posts by their very nature are a fixed point of reference, a fixed position on a never ending journey of development, but only you can make that journey. Only you can walk the path to knowledge and understanding and that will begin when you start to use the gifts that you have been given. Intuition by definition means ‘Immediate understanding by the mind without reasoning’, and by this definition we face a paradox of not being able to use reasoning, rationalisation or logic to define it for you. Words either written or spoken can’t describe the process or that moment of intuitive insight, words by their very nature are finite symbols and sounds trying to define the infinite, the limited trying to encompass the limitless.
There is only one way of experiencing your intuitive abilities and that is to experience them, understanding not with the mind but with the heart, the centre from which all intuition comes. Listen to your teachers, learn how they developed their intuitive skills and then practice the principles they have taught you. Then put away the books, put down the notes and put into practice that which you have been taught building your own catalogue of experiences and their relevant ‘meaning’ to you, in the process. Your perception is unique to you for there is no such thing as objective reality and even our intuition is subjective until we learn to define and refine our interpretation of the intuitive information we receive. All knowledge and understanding is an internal realisation to an external stimulation. The answers are within; they always have been and always will be.
Intuition; the immediate understanding without the need or desire to reason, all you have to do is accept that which is given freely and unconditionally. Take time to find that inner place of peace and tranquility, then become aware of the universe around us, and within us, in truth they are one and the same. Be still in mind, body and spirit and know that you are at one with all things. In this moment when we experience a ‘stillness of spirit’ we can begin to experience our intuition in the truest sense of the word.

----Stay Blessed----