Monday 4 November 2013

Personal Choice in Healing

Sometimes I hear a Reiki practitioner say that Reiki is the only healing method necessary. They almost seem personally offended at the thought of someone choosing to use another healing method over Reiki, or in combination with Reiki, particularly if it is another alternative method.
The truth is the healing method a person chooses has to feel right to them. If there is an inner resistance, it creates tension in them and static in their energy system. This will delay their healing progress as it goes counter to the process of easing the flow of energy and improving well being.
It is important that comfort and healing be our upmost priority when working with someone. We need to reflect this in our day to day encounters. The method or combination of methods that bring comfort and healing is none of our concern.
Reiki is only one of many energy healing techniques. Not everyone feels comfortable with Reiki. In fact, some are not comfortable with energy medicine or any type of natural healing at all. Some prefer a different type of energy healing than Reiki. Still others want to employ several healing modalities. A person chooses want feels comfortable to them.
Reiki is a marvelous healing tool. But it is not the only tool. Many people have amazing results from aromatherapy, EFT, the Emotion Code, pranic healing, acupuncture, chiropractic, homeopathy or allopathic medicine. We do a disservice if we push the idea that Reiki is the only way to healing or even that it is the best. It is best for the person who chooses it, but not for others.
Even among Reiki practitioners, there are some who combine other therapies with Reiki. Many of us offer the use of crystals, aromatherapy, massage, yoga or acupuncture, to name a few. If the client feels comfortable with this, it can only serve to improve their healing experience. It takes nothing away from the Reiki.
All healing is really energy healing. True healing works with and moves energy freely through the system. It all encourages and enhances well being. When working to try and guide a person toward wellness, the energy must move. Even if it is not acknowledged as energy healing or even understood as such, that is still what it is.
Additionally, all healing really takes place within the person being healed. It requires a shift that they must participate in for real change to occur. If this shift doesn’t happen, the illness may go away, but the underlying cause remains. It will resurface in as many different ways as it needs to in order to catalyze the true healing and growth the person needs. Because of this truth, a person needs to choose a healing method they feel relaxed and comfortable with, no matter what that method is.
Some people need to explore different methods or combinations of methods to find the path to healing that feels right to them. In the end, the greatest concern needs to be that a person gets healing and that they feel easeful with it. Our goal should be to assist them in finding their own way to their path. The healing of a person is a beautiful thing. When someone moves closer to healing, we all benefit.

----Stay Blessed----

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