Monday 2 December 2013

Connecting With Archangles Through Angelic Prayers

My experience with Angels began when I had completed my second degree Reiki. I was taught in class how to connect with God using the distance healing symbol. I started connecting to various Gods and Goddesses using HSZSN and tried to channel their was an experience, that was leading me into deeper levels of trance and deeper connections with all dimensions in the Universe. I then started frequently connecting with Ascended Masters like Kwan Yin, St. Germain, Jesus etc. There is no specific technique to call the Angels. Of course, through Reiki we can always connect to anyone in the higher realms. But I started connecting to the Angels one on one without Reiki.
The best way to do this is through Angelic prayers. I am sharing some prayers with you for your daily trials and tribulations! I have done them at various situations and found some relief and movement in my plans. You need to do the prayers at least twice a day and read them out aloud. If you wish you can light a candle.

Archangel Raphael Healing Prayer
“Sweet Raphael, I call on you,
I know that you are there
and ask you for your healing strength
in answer to my prayer
Please take away the sadness
take away the pain
hold me in your healing wings
and make me whole again.”

Archangel Chamuel Soul mate Prayer
“Archangel Chamuel I ask that you now show
me the path to true love and happiness
with my earthly soul mate who I will be
united with in this lifetime.
Thank you for being there.”

Archangel Jophiel space clearing prayer
“Archangel Jophiel, I ask for your help and
encouragement to give me the motivation to
clear my life and home of all unnecessary
emotional and physical clutter.
Thank you for being there.”

Archangel Michael prayer for strength
“Archangel Michael, please bless me with the courage
And strength necessary to come through all the
Challenges I am facing at this time.
Thank you for being there.”

Archangel Raziel prayer for Intuition
“Archangel Raziel, please bless me with the ability
To receive and understand all the spiritual messages
and angelic guidance that is being sent to me.
Thank you for being there.”

Archangel Sandalphon for Divine assistance
“Archangel Sandalphon, I ask that you carry all my prayers
Heavenward for me, so that they are heard and answered.
Thank you for being there.”

Archangel Zadkiel Forgiveness prayer
“Archangel Zadkiel, Please help me to find a way to
forgive those who have hurt me in the past,
in order that I may move forward
with a greater peace of mind.
Thank you for being there.”

Archangel Gabriel prayers for Fears
“Archangel Gabriel, please bless me
With the confidence and ability
To overcome my nerves when
Facing challenges or daunting situations
Thank you for being there.”

Invite, all the Angels in your home, life and relationships and see your path smoothen.

----Stay Blessed----

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