Monday 31 March 2014

Reiki And Compassion

Those of us in the Reiki community are used to giving our attention to sufferers, through hands-on, hands-over, and distant healing. When we meet for Reiki shares, when we do Reiki hands-on healing sessions, when we give Reiki healing to people in hospitals, hospices, nursing homes, animal shelters, and the like, we give our attention to the sufferers.
This isn’t easy, it’s agonizing, especially if you’re an empath like me who feels the recipient’s every pain and emotion. No, I of course don’t take on the person’s physical pain as shamans do, thanks be to Usui Founder. Yes, I do feel their psychic pain, I do understand the agonies they suffer, I understand them in my own flesh even if I never take them on. I weep for them as they weep. I pray that my Reiki hands, my Reiki intent, and the help of the Teachers, Usui Founder, Hayashi Sensei, Takata Sensei, and the Holy Ghost who gave Reiki its name, Ghost Energy, will guide and help me.
Being an empath has its issues, but being a rational, logical, thinking human being means that you’re not blind to those who want to crucify you for their own advancement. These are the ones who want to make you use your energy to boost theirs for their own dark and corrupt ends. The ones who blame all their problems on everyone else, assuming no personal responsibility whatever for their personal failures and setbacks: It’s always somebody else’s fault, never theirs. Poor, poor, pitiful me!
This pathetic whining horrifies me, and yet it’s something all of us in the Reiki community will someday face, from our family, our friends, our students, our critics. Why didn’t you help ME, solve all MY problems?! Why should I ever have to take control of my own life? Why aren’t you doing it for me?
The psychic vampires who cling on like this are the monsters in the closet of Reiki and all other spiritual practices. For every Reiki practitioner or teacher who manages to evade one of these people, it seems as if a thousand spring up in their place. Yes, these people are mentally ill and deserve compassion, as someone who’d been mauled in a car crash or house fire deserves compassion. Yes, they need healing. But yes, too, it’s so hard to reach out to them when you see the horrific selfishness, self-centeredness, and self-absorption that are their drivers.
This, ultimately, is the challenge of those of us who follow the Reiki Way and try to use its power to heal. It’s difficult, as Simone Weil notes, to minister to a repellent, self-absorbed person, whose entire life revolves around nothing but him- or herself. But if they have come to us—if they have taken the first step on the road to healing—it is up to us to guide them on the path. By doing so, we can practice compassion even as we help them understand what compassion is.

---Stay Blessed---


Unknown said...

So true.

prince sinha said...

if ur interested in learing reiki or taking a reiki session,u can email me at