Sunday 9 June 2013

ACCESS BARS- The tool to ultimate FREEDOM

What if you woke up tomorrow and had forgotten all your limitations? Who could you choose to be? What would you change in your life and the world around you?

What would it take for you to consciously create your life with Ease, Joy and Glory without all the thoughts, feelings, beliefs and emotions that do not work for you anymore?

Here is a tool, that will allow you to do just that!! How does it get any better than this?

Access Bars is a set of simple and potent tools that can begin to erase judgments and limitations you have been operating from and move you into a space of allowance. It is a system about letting you judge nothing and finally "Receive All"!

What is Access Bars?

Did you know there are 32 points on your head which, when gently touched, effortlessly and easily release anything that doesn't allow you to receive? These points contain all the thoughts, ideas, beliefs, emotions, and considerations you have stored across lifetimes. There are points for everything, from joy, sadness, peace, money, creativity, body, sexuality and many more! Imagine releasing all of that in one session!

What can an Access Bars Class do for you?

Have you ever wondered why you keep choosing the same things in your life that don’t really work for you? "Running Bars" is like defragmenting your hard drive. It begins to delete all old files (judgements, limitations, conclusions, decisions, computations, etc) and creates more space within you, which is consciousness!! And yes, as you run the bars for someone, yours run too and that's a wonderful borrowed benefit!

Do you remember the last moment in your life when you were totally relaxed and nurtured and cared for? Or has it been a little too long since you received healing and kindness without any judgment of your body or your being?
- Have you always known that there just got be more to life and living here on this planet? - Have you tried every modality known on this planet and still you are looking for something different? - Did you know it is YOU who is blocking yourself? - So what if there is a way to take away the blockages that are stopping you and bring forward all of you? - Are you ready to have more of you? Is now the time to claim you? If the answer is YES then this might be for you.


There are 32 Bars of energy that run through and around your head. They store the electromagnetic component of all the thoughts, ideas, attitudes, decisions and beliefs that you have ever had about anything.
Each Access Bars session can release 5-10 thousand years of limitations in the area of your life that corresponds with the specific Bar being touched. This is an incredibly nurturing and relaxing process, undoing limitation in all aspects of your life that you are willing to change.
How much of your life do you spend doing rather than receiving? Have you noticed that your life is not yet what you would like it to be? You could have everything you desire (and even greater!) if you are willing to receive lots more and maybe do a little less! Receiving or learning The Bars® will allow this to begin to show up for you. Access Bars has assisted thousands of people to change many aspects of their body and their life including sleep, health and weight, money, sex and relationships, anxiety, stress and so much more. Each thought, idea, attitude, decision or belief that you have fixed in place solidifies the energy and limits your capacity to be generative in that area and to have something different show up in your life with ease.
Are you ready to move out of struggle and into a space of ease and joy?

----Stay Blessed----

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