Tuesday 25 June 2013

How To Attract Abundance And Prosperity With Reiki

What is abundance, if not a mindset? Imagine two hypothetical people with identical situations: living paycheck to paycheck, having unsatisfying jobs, and in a new town with no friends.

One of them thinks: “When will things be right for me? Why can’t I get ahead? I hate my job, and they just raised the taxes again, and I have no friends to ask for help.” This person has the mindset of scarcity.

The other thinks: “Wow, I’m so grateful to have a job in this economy. Even if it doesn’t pay much, I can pay my bills on time and enjoy a place to stay, electricity and hot water. Surely I’ll find a way to make more money soon enough. I have my health. Now I’ll get me down to the library and see if I can make some friends there.” This person has a mindset of abundance.

What is the difference between the two persons described above? One is grateful, the other is worrying. Whenever you catch yourself feeling or thinking scarcity, remember to think like the person with an abundance mindset.

Changing your mindset is probably one of the most challenging tasks you can undertake. Fortunately, Reiki has a few resources that you can employ to help you get into the abundance and prosperity mindset.Here are the steps :

  • Choose one or more areas in your life where you feel scarcity. It could be love, health, friends,    money, or just about anything.
  • Craft some affirmations that resonate with you and cover those areas of your life.
  • Now you’re ready to give Reiki to those affirmations.
  • Once you have some affirmations you like, write them on a piece of paper and carry them with you, perhaps in your wallet.
  • Whenever you have some time, ideally at least once a day, but the more, the better, take out the piece of paper and read it. Several times if you have time.
  • Invoke Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen to connect to the state represented by these affirmations, and start sending Reiki to the list. As you do it, use the mental healing symbol to dissolve conflicts and bring the ideal state closer and closer. Relax and just let the energy flow. When you sense you’re done for now, end the session and smile. It won’t be long before the old patterns are broken, and your life starts changing.
  • You can send Reiki to your list without taking it out. For example in the bus, or while waiting at the stop light.
  • You can write down the affirmations each time instead of reading them. You can write them down several times per session, while sending Reiki. You can also draw the symbols on the paper.

----Stay Blessed----

1 comment:

Adele said...


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Enjoy and go well!

Kind regards,
