Sunday 30 June 2013

Three Things About The Main Reiki Symbols

Here’s three facts about the main Reiki Symbols.


About Cho Ku Rei

The way to draw Cho Ku Rei is just a convention. Some Masters teach that it should be drawn clockwise. Others teach it counterclockwise. And others still teach to draw it in one direction to increase the flow of energy, and the other way around to decrease it. And of course, there are practitioners who don’t use it at all, and a lot of other options in between.
The fact is, there’s no right or wrong way. The meaning you give to it, and the way the connection with the intention is formed in your mind, is what makes it work the way it does. Let’s say your Master taught you that the correct way to draw it is clockwise. You draw it clockwise, and you notice that it works. But if your Master told you to draw it the other way around, you would have noticed the same results.
No need to change the way you draw it now. Don’t fix anything if it’s not broken.
The correct way to draw Cho Ku Rei is the way that works for you.


About Sei He Ki

The two brain hemispheres deal with different aspects of life. The left hemisphere is in charge of reasoning, logic, rationality. The right one deals with dreams, imagination, intuition.Sei He Ki will bring balance to the two hemispheres, allowing for a life that is neither rooted in pure logic, nor in a dream state.Peace is achieved in life when the two sides work together in balance and harmony.


About Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen

You can imbibe the distance healing symbol on your cell phone (just intend it while in a Reiki flow, no special “imbue” procedure) and activate it whenever you talk on the phone, to send Reiki to the situation you and the other person are talking about, or to that person, should it benefit and be accepted by their higher self.
You can start sending as soon as the phone rings, and let it flow “on auto-pilot”, i.e. intending that the flow either ends when you hang up, or it continues for a while if required by the situation at hand. Remember that Reiki is an intelligent energy and it’s perfectly capable of turning itself off at precisely the right time.
After a while, this will become automatic, and you’ll become a beacon, beaming more light and energy into the world and into everything you’re a part of.


Bonus Tip: The Symbol Sandwich

To increase the effectiveness and power of any symbol, you can use the Sandwich technique:
  1. Draw Cho Ku Rei
  2. Draw the symbol you want
  3. Draw Cho Ku Rei again
Now you have a tasty sandwich, sealed with the Power symbol.

----Stay Blessed---- 

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