Monday 12 August 2013

Chakras And Archangels

There are total of 15 archangels known to us. Each Archangel has their own purpose, but they help us in all situations when called upon with a pure heart. Like Crystals there are Archangels associated with each Chakra.Here they are:

1. Root Chakra

The Archangel associated with this Chakra is Archangel Sandalphon. His main role is to carry our prayers to God, so they may get answered. He is also associated with music and we might feel his presence more when we listen to music, sing or play an instrument. So next time we want to balance our root chakra we can just put on some music, call upon Sandalphon and get our Chakra balance.


2. Sacral Chakra

The Archangel associated with this Chakra is Archangel Chamuel. He also helps in love, confidence and career matters.

3. Solar Plexus
The Archangel associated with this Chakra is Archangel Uriel. He is considered as one of the wisest Archangels because of his intellectual information, practical solutions and creative insight, but he is very subtle. We do not even realize that our prayers have been answered till we have a brilliant idea hitting us.

4. Heart Chakra

The Archangel associated with this Chakra is Archangel Raphael. He is associated with all forms of healing in living beings. He is also associated with travel. We can call upon him for safety and protection when embarking on a journey.

5. Throat Chakra

The Archangel associated with this Chakra is Archangel Michael. He is considered as the leader of all the Archangels. He is charge of protecting us physically, emotionally and spiritually. He also helps us in cutting chords which bind us to our past memories and people, thus making moving on easier. 


6. Third Eye

The Archangel associated with this Chakra is Archangel Gabriel. She helps us with creativity, communicating, guiding others and nurturing our inner self. 

7. Crown Chakra

The Archangel associated with this Chakra is Archangel Zadkiel. He helps us in gaining clarity, forgiving and new ideas. Also helps us in emotional healing. He with his flame can turn negative vibrations to positive vibrations.

This method is very useful when we feel too restless to meditate; we can call upon the Archangels to balance our Chakras or also when we are healing someone else.

----Stay Blessed----

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