Saturday 10 August 2013

Inner Child Healing With Reiki

The Inner Child refers to your emotional body. Carl Jung called it the ‘Divine Child’. Some call it the ‘Wonder Child’. Freud simply called it our “True Self.”
What is the inner child? It is the child within us that got lost in childhood. Our personalities are formed based on childhood experiences. Sometimes, these experiences can be pleasant. Then our inner child is happy and healed. We grow up into healthy human beings, attracting healthy relationships, healthy intimate partnerships and being good parents.
But, sometimes childhood experiences are traumatic / shocking or too painful for the little mind to deal with. Then the inner child that grows within us is angry, upset, confused, unable to attract healthy relationships etc. Unfortunately, these people blame themselves, or allow others (especially people in authority / or the ones who did the abusing!)
Two categories of personalities emerge from Inner child issues or more commonly known as Childhood Trauma. The ‘Victim’ mentality and the ‘Rebel’. The ‘Victim’ usually is a sacrificial lamb. He surrenders unhappily to the will of others, is easily dictated by parents / elders / bosses, though his inner voice or his True self may be saying the exact opposite. They blindly follow orders and live by social norms. These people are introverts and rarely have friends. They have trust issues with everyone and look at every relationship with the eye of a Laser beam!!
The Rebel is unusually brave and can take risks of all kinds. They are detached from everyone in general and have superficial relationships. They too do not trust anyone but can be friendly in a superficial way. They hardly have any close friends. They build a wall of defense around themselves to shield from hurt and they do not like to cry. When they grow up the wall becomes stronger and bigger and they are unable to break it.
Inner Child Issues can occur due to mental, physical, social, sexual, emotional, verbal spiritual psychological abuse by parents, siblings, teachers, elders, relatives, etc. The greatest myth that exists in our society is that abuse doesn’t occur in ‘well –to-do’ families. ! Scientifically the mind is most tender between the ages of 2 – 16. Most, childhood trauma incidents happen in this age range.
When an incident happens, a child’s mind is not equipped to deal with the shock. So the mind shuts down momentarily and splits into two. One which carries the incident and one which suppresses it. The one which carries it is the Inner child or your ‘True Self.’ The one which pretends this never happened or all is ok is ‘the Adult You or False Self’ you have become today. Imagine, if you are not complete inside, how will you attract a complete world outside? If you are not merged with yourself, how will you merge with your soul mate?
Yes! You already guessed the answer! HEAL the Inner Child! Number of ways to do it. These special Divine Children have lot of Spiritual help. These children are highly intelligent, creative, and psychic. They usually have spiritual parents (meaning they worship one male God and one female God). If all of this is true then you can start right here right now…..
Inner Child Issue can be healed by with Reiki. With the help of Reiki,the Issue can be treated from the Root Cause.

I have listed a few methods of doing Inner Child Healing with the help of Reiki.Here they are

1) We can treat the Inner Child by using HNZSN, SHK and CHK; if one has received the master degree can utilize DKM too. Healing should be given concentrating more on Root and Heart Chakra, stating the intention “My (or the person you are healing) Inner child is Secure and Happy.”

2) One can call upon Archangel Gabriel and Archangel Raphael to help with the healing. Simply call upon them or connect to them using HNZSN and ask them to help you with the healing. They provide love and security to the inner child and nourish the soul, expediting the healing.

3) One can also heal the Inner child with the help of Psychic Surgery Method. But one should avoid healing their own Issue by this method, as when we see our own inner Child we tend to get angry on them, this makes the healing difficult as the Inner Child refuses to co-operate after that.

----Stay Blessed----

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