Monday 5 August 2013

Reiki And Candles

Did you know that you can combine the healing properties of Reiki with something as simple as a lit candle?
Reiki healing combined with Color Candle Therapy is a wonderful and effective combination of two healing energies. The color of the candle helps to empower the intention behind the Reiki healing, and the fire from the candles helps to seal the healing for more lasting effects. White pillar candles are also used in the form of a grid around the table or mat to work as amplifiers for the colored candles and assist in the communication with our higher source for the facilitation of the healing process.
How do you combine these two powerful healing modalities? The procedure can be followed as I have outlined below, but the Reiki practitioner can also follow his or her own intuition during the healing in the interest of the intended higher good. That’s the beauty of the healing arts; there are no real wrong ways as long as your heart and intention are set on the greater good.
First, you will need a supply of colored candles at your disposal. While you can use a candle of any shape or diameter, for this type of healing therapy I recommend using the shorter four or six-inch taper candles simply because they are easier to handle than the longer ten or twelve-inch taper candles. White pillar candles should be used for the grid around the mat or table. Let your intuition guide you as to when to cleanse the colored candles, but always anoint them before use. Anointing a candle consists of rubbing a light olive oil in an upward direction towards the wick. The purpose of anointing the candle is to strengthen the color so that the energies are more vibrant and active. This is called “Dressing the Candle.”
Second, as with any healing session, you should discuss the needs of the client and set specific goals for the desired outcome. This will help you set the intention for the session, and will assist you in determining which color candle will be most effective for the healing therapy. In my own personal practice, I typically use anywhere from one to three candles depending on the needs of the client and the time allotted for the session. While conducting the healing therapy session, let Reiki and your intuition guide you as to when and how to use the colored candles over the client.
Once a candle is used for a specific purpose, my personal practice is to give the colored candles used in the healing therapy to the client. In my humble opinion, I do not believe in the recycling of items that have been used for such a personal purpose. Energies received and/or created could be easily transferred to another client by reusing such an item. This could turn out to be detrimental to both your practice as a healer and the next person you treat. Pillar candles that are used in the grid formation are for the amplification of energies during your practice and do not need to be given to the client. It is a good idea, however, to cleanse and re-anoint them before each session.
Once the healing therapy has been completed,visualize the client being surrounded by white healing light and allow the candles to burn out completely.

----Stay Blessed----

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