Thursday 8 August 2013

Soul Mates / Soul Families / Karmic Connections

It is said between our death and rebirth, there is a time when our souls are free. All souls report to a master soul. And we have fellow souls who are called soul families. We run over our list of Karma, what we have paid, what is left to learn etc and choose our next reincarnation!
There are broadly three types of relationships we form. Soul families, soul mates and karmic connections.


1. Soul Families / Soul groups – parents, siblings, teachers, enemies, lovers, colleagues etc.

Most of us have a sibling that we are close with, a very special grandparent, a friend that has been there through thick and thin, a cousin that makes you smile, etc. These are your soul family. The often change roles in life times. In one life they might be incarnated as your brother and in the next they will come back as your son, but your feelings for each other will probably not change much. The beauty of these relationships is that we promise to find each other and be together every lifetime.



2. Karmic Connections

These are souls you have unfinished business with.They are characters in your play who will give you the opportunity to learn and expand from bitter experiences and life challenges. Their original design is to stretch you to your limit, they are the most troubling relationships. Some of your closest relationships, your biggest betrayals, your greatest abusers will be parents, relatives, teachers etc. They have chosen only to torment you. The lesson for you here is to not hate them, but to learn from these experiences.


3. Soul Mates

Most people think of this word in a very casual or romantic sense. And often people say ‘I have found my soul mate or they are soul mates.’
The topic is incredibly complex and beautiful so I will first explain the meaning of a soul mate. It is a person with whom you have shared past lives. Of course some soul mates can be Karmic connections and these are meant to end early in your life. These can be our short term affairs, lovers, or even marriages that end in divorces. But healthy soul mate relationships continue into a loving marriage.
So how does one find this Soul mate?
By becoming true to ourselves, by listening to our inner voice, our inner sense of right and wrong, no matter what society says, we heal ourselves and find the soul mate. It is after all the Law of Reflection. What is within us will reflect around us.
They say the “eyes are the window to the soul”, this is how we recognize our soul mates and they recognize us. There is a sense of familiarity, a sense of knowing the person which has nothing to do with physical appearance.
This sense of knowing happens on the soul level, because we have reincarnated in different bodies in other lifetimes, but the soul is the same, so we instantly recognize each other.
The Universe or God sends frequent messages both spiritual and practical to such soul mates, spurring them to take action. The reason for this is everything including destiny operates on divine timing and soul mates have a sacred mission to meet, to heal, to procreate and serve humanity in some way.

----Stay Blessed----

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