Friday 16 August 2013

Reiki and Angel Therapy

Angels are messengers of God. They are loving and protective towards us. However, they do not interfere with our free will. They do let us know when there is any impending danger or circumstance we need to address. Working and communicating with Angels, channeling them etc are all part of Angel Therapy. Angel therapy maybe defined as a spiritual high vibrational healing that can be given through touch or through distance. Reiki works with everything. It is an amplifier. I have always used Angel therapy with my regular Reiki practice. I have called them to ask important questions and also asked them to help me with my healings.
There is nothing fixed in an Angel Therapy session. It may start with simple meditation and visualization and end in deep healing! Some common Angel therapy techniques are Chakra clearing, negative cord cutting, releasing fear and working with flower essences.
I devised my own method to clean the house. My home appears cleaner and more vibrant. I am breaking down the steps for everyone:

1. Sprinkle rock salt in every corner of your house preferably for 24 hours.

2. Sweep the whole salt out of the house, as it absorbs all the negative energy. I also prefer to swab the house with a mixture of rock salt and water, but that’s optional.

3. Draw a power symbol in that area to seal the new energy.

4. Invoke the Archangels Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel or any other angel you want to bless your house. You can connect with HSZSN or simply invoke them by saying “ I request the presence of Archangel Michael – 3 times.

5. Request the Angels to fill the house with their light. Some of you may actually see them doing do. Otherwise, visualize them filling your home with divine light.Some people during this time also get beautiful perfume or flower like smell in their house. You may also actually see a color in the light the Angels are using to bless and clean your home. White is for protection. Pink is to keep negative people away from your house. And purple is to protect you from evil spirits and psychic attacks.

6. Lastly, don’t forget to thank the Archangels.

This whole process should take about 20-25 minutes. Clean your house this way about twice a month with Angel therapy and see the difference.

----Stay Blessed----

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